BALANCE OF POWER Split With Singer, Commence Work On New Album

I dunno if anyone else has noticed this but PP II seemed to have been the last chance, domestically at least, to see many great bands before they broke up or lost main members. Check it out:

Steel Prophet lost Rick Mythisian THE voice of the band

Ark lost Jorn Lande

Balance of Power lost Lance King

and Angel Dust broke up completely. Ah well, now I gotta go find me some bootlegs and pretend I was there. I cant believe that Lance is gone and to be honest, Id much prefer if Tony took over vocals instead of Damian Wilson. I very much prefer Mac in Threshold and cant stand to listen to Wounded Land at all anymore. Tony however kicked tremendous ass on When the World Falls Down (which Im still looking for a real copy and would pay generously for) and USM "Silver Step Child" so I think itd be cool to see him back as the frontman but I dont think its gonna happen.

Originally posted by Daybreaker
Tony however kicked tremendous ass on When the World Falls Down (which Im still looking for a real copy and would pay generously for) Ben [/B]

Have you checked Ebay? I used to see them quite regularly on there, but I havent checked for a while.
Man I check every damn day now on ebay for When the World Falls Down. I have a huge bug up my ass to get it I WANT IT!!!!! BAD!!!! GRAAAAGH!!! Seriously though I had Overnight Sensation on mp3 and wasnt too thrilled but then one day on Kazaa I got the vid for Against the Odds and cried like a girl at the bad assery of it. Perfect melodies, chorus everything. I listen / watch that video at least once a day. Yes Lance was an improvement over Tony but I wouldnt mind if Tony wanted to trade vocal chords and songwriting ability with me, I wouldnt mind at all. Him or David Defeis.

Originally posted by Demonspell
Damn...I hope the evidence of a Progpower 2.0 curse presented here doesn't have any more immediate victims...

Well, Mike from Evergrey did try to eliminate his band by getting in that car wreck. Fortunately, he's doing well. :)

Originally posted by lady_space
FTR, while I did meet him and seemed like a great guy, I don't think Jorn would fit well with BoP either... I guess I'm going to have to go listen to some older Threshold now to check these guys out, eh? :)


Indeed you are! I recommend you purchase the special editions of Wounded Land and Psychedelicatessen from The End Records today. You'll get Damian Wilson on Wounded Land (plus a bonus track and a cool multimedia section) and Glynn Morgan on Psychedelicatessen for a grand total of $26.00. And the special edition version of Psychedelicatessen has 2 bonus tracks as well as an entire live album (Livedelica) that will feature Glynn on some Damian songs. If there's any truth to the speculation that Glynn or Damian will take over for Lance, it'll give you a good idea of what they're capable of. Both of them are very good singers, who I appreciate more and more each time I listen to their work. Plus, you'll have 2 more albums from one of the greatest bands of all time. :)

BTW, I'll give you 3 guesses to figure out who this is, and by what I wrote I'm sure you only need one!
Damian is good but there is something about his voice that just doesn't completely do it for me, he does well with Star One and Ayreon. Glynn on the other hand is more my style of vocalist, I have both Mindfeed cd's and they rule!!!

That being said I don't think either of them would fit in with BoP,mabye Damian but it would be a far depature from what BoP was doing with Lance imo.

Hey Bear do you have any idea where one could find those Mindfeed albums at a reasonable price? I've been looking but so far no luck. I assume that Mindfeed as broken up or something? Their website hasn't been updated in 3 years.
Yeah not sure whats up with the band I thought they were still working together? I got the two cd's from a Laser's Edge clearence for $7.99 each but it looks like he is out of them now.

I did a search and found some here but they are priced pretty high

Hard and Heavy has Perfect Life for $16.99

Also here!.x=8&Go!.y=14

Good luck finding a good price :grin:

Originally posted by Kyra
Hmm well I didn't think you would guess! :) I guess I mentioned them at progpower more than I thought!

Yes, ma'am, you did mention them. At least twice. :) Of course, it would have been easier if you had gone on about LaBrie or Geddy. :)

Originally posted by Bear
Damian is good but there is something about his voice that just doesn't completely do it for me, he does well with Star One and Ayreon. Glynn on the other hand is more my style of vocalist, I have both Mindfeed cd's and they rule!!!

That being said I don't think either of them would fit in with BoP,mabye Damian but it would be a far depature from what BoP was doing with Lance imo.


Personally, I would be happy with Tony back on vox.

I really like Damian on Star One and Ayreon, too. I managed to find some MP3s of Threshold "remixes" and "radio edits" with Damian singing, and they sound pretty cool to me. I might just have to expand my Threshold back catalog like Kyra was suggesting a few posts back. :)

Those three tracks are pretty awesome, but I'd probably replace Somatography with Life Flow to round out my top 3. Then there's also Clear, Lake of Despond, Part of the Chaos...I better just quit right now. :)

Off Wounded land I think Sanity's End through Surface to Air is a great 3 track string. What an absolutely mindblowing debut album.
Originally posted by Wishmaster
Yes, ma'am, you did mention them. At least twice. :) Of course, it would have been easier if you had gone on about LaBrie or Geddy. :)


Well I can if you really want. :) Vapor Trails and Six Degrees were tied in the #2 spot of my albums of the year list!
Originally posted by Bear

Good luck finding a good price :grin:


Thanks very much for the links. It's better than what I'd found ($36 at amazon for one of them). How well do you like them? I know you said they rule, but do they rule enough that you would have paid full price for them? :)
Originally posted by Kyra
Well I can if you really want. :) Vapor Trails and Six Degrees were tied in the #2 spot of my albums of the year list!

While I wouldn't mind, I dunno how many other people around here would appreciate your thoughts on 6DOIT. :) That seemed to be a kind of hit or miss album for a lot of people.
