Ballad of War


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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The stars scream in dark
Smearing this night across the sky
Shadow of the sun does rise
And tonight the 9 worlds align
Wish for love
Wish for peace
Me in your arms, no need for wishes
This world of ours is at hand
So close to us, within our eyes
Shining like a perfect diamond
Leaning against the oak of strength
Cradled in your arms
My arms around your neck
How could such a dream exsist?
The clouds slither across
A funeral march of dimes
As spurts of light, enlighten the flags
Falling, deadly stars grab ahold tonight
Hate runs rancor, totally shrouded in pride
What a wolf in sheep's clothing!
But alas! No war could divide our love
No bomb nor germ could kill our passion flower
And though dawn may never return
You are my shining light, my North Star
Unlike so much in this world; this world itself
For them the end is soon and waiting
But my love for you is eternal
Is that original? good work :headbang: a little corny though (no offense) but good indeed (fuck, now that I think about it, I haven't wrote a song in a long ass time)
Thanaks. My friend said that I should write more positive poems since the majority of the ones I wrote get him down.

I personally think it is a bit corny, not something i like a lot.
Yeah it's corny, and I don't reallyy agree with the "love conquers all" mentality, but this poem sounds real positive to me!:D
Any poem I write comes from personal experience so I have never been able to write a real love song.:( Most of the poems I've written have been your basic "I'm depressed, ho-hum" type stuff except for one or two story poems. You get major credit for attempting this stuff and putting it here for us to see.
Just to clarify, I pretty much stopped writing poems because all my "depressed, ho-hum" stuff became all alike ans that was the only thing from which I wrote...maybe I need to write some story poems...the one I did do seemed decent.
Heh, thanks to you guys I wrote two lyrics yesterday (I gotta work a little bit more on them though) oh btw reading and watching tv inspires a lot :D
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
Heh, thanks to you guys I wrote two lyrics yesterday (I gotta work a little bit more on them though) oh btw reading and watching tv inspires a lot :D

Are you gonna post????:D
Good Idea, I'll post them tomorrow (don't be too hard on me, since I haven't wrote in a long ass time :lol: ) recommendations and advices are always welcome. (btw they aren't love lyrics :p)
Agh they can't be any worse than mine, as you'll see when I eventually get around to finding and posting them.
Are they so bad? (I beleive trying is more important than anything else though)what type of lyrics you write most of the time (what lyrical subject you use most of the time)?
I discussed this with Liz up there a ways, but what I usually wrote was the old "I'm depressed yada yada" type things, except for one or two which were story narrative poems.:D
Oh cool, I can't seem to write a good story line type song (or lyric) I guess i'm just not into that. Your usual style is the depressive one eh? ah common' people don't be so down damnit, you gotta socialize more you know? (JK! :lol: ) Ok i'll be a little bit more serious now. Some years ago I was heavy into those kind of lyrics, I was depressed as fuck! easily one of my worst times in my life, but I realized that I can't go through like feeling like shit all the time (if you're wondering... no i'm not a hippie :lol: ) I leaved those things behind, since I realized that I can't give too much credit to what people think about me. Nowadays I tend to critize a lot the society and the human being with my lyrics.
Hippie! :lol:

Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
Nowadays I tend to critize a lot the society and the human being with my lyrics.

Interesting. Perhaps that may spark some discussions.:worship:
:lol: Maybe, I've been through a lot of shit this couple of years so I guess that's why I have this kind of mentality right now. I can't seem to write a love song even if my life depended on it :lol: I dedicated one song (that I wrote) to a girlfriend of mine though, but that's as corny as I can get :lol: shit gotta go now I have lots of work to do.