Ban the person above you.

Je voudrais un menage et tois avec deux filles

mais je n'aime pa le filles gros :lol:

anyway I ban you for discriminating against non french speakers
umm un ménage a trois tu dit , cela me semble bien familier , mais moi j'aime bien les filles avec de jolies poignée d'amour . C'est plus doux et en plus leur nichons sont d'habitude énormes , donc parfait pour y faire dodo ;) .
Toutefois , je te banne pour descriminations contre les filles corpulantes !
You really really don't want to know what's being said.

It started off through me only knowing certain words and trying to be funny.

I ban you for being curious.
Banned for having a name that reminds me of something that is lurking in the back of my mind, but that I can't quite remember...
that would explain it. a few years ago I was a hardcore nevermore fan before I got into harsh vocals.

banned for being an S+M duck, whatever that is.