Band: "Flowing Tears", Album: "Serpentine"


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I've yet to hear any songs in their entirety, but I've heard many great reviews of this album.

Has anyone here heard it? If so, how would you describe it?

I love Lacuna Coil & the Gathering, and am wondering if this band writes songs as good as these others do?

I love Lacuna Coil & the Gathering, and am wondering if this band writes songs as good as these others do?

Maybe you should listen to the music to figure that one out...

Personally, I think F.T. are OK. But not as good as The Gathering or Lacuna Coil. Their last album "Jade" was a little lame. A friend of mine who saw them live said the same thing and even the band admitted that their stuff didn't rock as much as it should have. Their new album is supposed to be a lot better though (I only know the title track so I can't say anything here)
When I heard "Serpentine" from the latest Flowing Tears output I was really looking forward to the whole album...but unfortunately the songs on it are not as interesting as the already mentioned one...maybe next time..but "Serpentine" still rules ;)
I'm suprised you've heard many great reviews, SoundMaster.

I listened to the album... and I thought it to be one of the most boring things I've ever listened to. No character, no passion, just boring, plain songs that all sound the same. Vocals are pretty weak too.
I listened to the album... and I thought it to be one of the most boring things I've ever listened to. No character, no passion, just boring, plain songs that all sound the same. Vocals are pretty weak too.
bullshit! Probably you didn´t really listen to them. :confused: The songs are quite good (although I must admit Lacuna Coil and the Gathering are better). I can´t understand, ProgMetalFan, you say the vocals are week. I really do think they are impressive, ´cause unusual deep: the total contrast to Liv Kristin. So, SoundMaster belief me and listen to Serpentine!
I got Serpentine today and I'm listening to it now. A good album, but a bit boring from time to time...but as I said; this is my first listening so it might grow on me...
Serpentine is a good album. Good, but not great. Some songs are great (Starfish Ride, Serpentine, Justine, Merlin, Children of the Sun), but it seems like they are stuck in the rut sometimes.

Serpentine is better than Jade, (more *moving*, Jade has that unbelievable 'tiredness' flowing through it), but my favourite Flowing tears album is their debut, while they were still called Flowing Tears & Withered Flowers, and it's called Swansong.
It was released in 1996, and it is really really doomy, (w/ nice growls/lovelorn spoken words a la Saturnus and acoustic guitars)the album was very ahead at the time.
Too bad they decided to more stale composing.
I got "Serpentine" a few months ago. It's not that bad, but some songs seem to be less of inspiration to me. "Children of the sun" is one song I still dislike. "Serpentine" has not the same sad, doomy feeling like "Jade" has.