Band I'm mixing what ya thinkin??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Here is a band I'm recording and mixing, there called Zymosis.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. I feel like I'm stuck with my listening environment and lack of knowledge in general. Maybe you can hear stuff and throw me some tips:headbang:

Guitars were done with this cheap crate 2x12 solid state combo and a good ole sm57...

drums- Toms all natural and kick is sampled and i mixed snare 50/50. I had trouble with toms cause cymbals were to low and were just over powering into tom Mic's. Newb mistake on my part I missed this during tracking and I def payed for it during mixing. I ended up cutting all toms out except were there is hits. I still had to keep toms lower in volume than i wanted cause when turned up and a tom hit accrued when there was a cymbal hit at the same time it would make cymbal real loud:zombie: I tried to sample toms to save the day but the drummer did some crazy stuff in other songs with toms and would play light and and then heavy in the same parts and that with cymbal's blaring as loud as a tom hit I just could not get it.

Bass was just sansamp....

And vox was studio projects B1

All this was done with my digi002 preamps and behringer ada8000:kickass:
Guitars sound a little weird...can barely listen because of the tempo issues of the drummer though. I like the vox, nice job.
Well the main problems that I could point out are to do with the toms, obviously you have mentioned that already, so not much can be done with those.

Overall the mix sounds good. For me the guitars could be a little more in your face.
Yea i think I'm really struggling with getting that in your face guitar tone in all my mixes....

I'm sure a better amp would have helped some on this. :)
the guitars sound weak, but decent for a crate. The vox are really good. I don't hear any tempo issues with the drums? the snare is abit boxy/lifeless, but that could just be a personal opinion thing.
Yea we recorded to a click but there was a few parts he would fall off just a bit but nothing to to bad....

Yea the amp sounded horrible in the room no mater what i did eq wise on the amp and the distortion was so buzz saw sounding.:puke: I had to end up low pass way down to like 9k in the mix just to kill that fizz.

I def need to buy a reamp box so i can try and achieve better guitar tones at home after tracking:headbang:
Thanks cj

Yea there def my favorite part and I'm very happy how they turned out:headbang:

Wish i could get the rest of my mix to compliment them but like i said i made some mistakes tracking and they also had shitty equipment to record. Yea i know I'm making excuses........

I'm really thinking some room treatment would help me a ton on the mixing side cause I'm struggling to hear fine details and my mixes just are not were I know they could be.
Wow, that´s a hard one. The vokills are done well, but the guitars are really not the best for this kind of music. Did you record the guitars clean (via DI) as well?
Besides the guitars: Did your record the snare or is it a replacement?

I recorded the snare but also mixed with a sample 50/50....

Yea i got a dir track of guitars but i don't have a reamp yet.:cry:
Only listening on small computer speakers, but if I hadn't read your post and all the other people's comments, I would have never found fault with anything (except the timing issues on some fills).

Overall mix is pretty cool.

Try "replacing" the toms by manually creating a midi track with tom samples in the places where he hits the toms on obvious fills. It may take some time, but the band is good enough to give you a good reputation if you go the extra mile.

Actually, the band is FUCKING good!!
I agree with KeithRT99 about the guitars sounding weak, but decent for a Crate.
I think it'll be difficult to get a really punchy guitar sound even if you re-amp, since the guitarist plays really softly.. I think the kick needs more low end to it, perhaps just a different sample would do the trick.
The vocals sound really nice :)
I agree on that, sounds like there´s a certain amount of attack lacking.

Yup.. I actually think this is a problem in the "metal genre".. Many guitarists are playing really softly, but they still want a really punchy guitar tone when recording.. I think it's kind of impossible to achieve that if there's really no attack from the pick. Depends on the style of music of course, but for chuggy palm mutes and such it sure needs a distinct attack.
I think it's kind of impossible to achieve that if there's really no attack from the pick.

Reminds me a bit of "Killing with a smile"-album of Parkway Drive. I like the riffs and the sound of the whole production, but if you listen to it with good speakers / monitors theres actually no (really noticeable) pick-attack. Everything sounds rotund an with almost no spikes..
Reminds me a bit of "Killing with a smile"-album of Parkway Drive. I like the riffs and the sound of the whole production, but if you listen to it with good speakers / monitors theres actually no (really noticeable) pick-attack. Everything sounds rotund an with almost no spikes..

Hm, interesting thought. I always thought it was due to excessive compression with superfast attack times.
Reminds me a bit of "Killing with a smile"-album of Parkway Drive. I like the riffs and the sound of the whole production, but if you listen to it with good speakers / monitors theres actually no (really noticeable) pick-attack. Everything sounds rotund an with almost no spikes..

i absolutely love tones like that. sounds like a good dose of TS-9 and some kind of compression on the guitars in the mix.

thick ass hell tone though..!