Band Merchandise


Jan 8, 2002
st. louis
Do you buy band stuff like shirts?

It seemed last year many people did. Gamma Ray even had a pretty big line waiting to buy stuff.

I think its odd that some bands dont want to bring merch since they dont think anyone would buy it....

Just curious...

I always get at least one shirt. More depending on how cool the artwork is.
I think the better question is which bands plan on bringing merchandise? Last year we had to almost beg Threshold to bring some shirts. I would love to buy a Secret Sphere shirt! Scent of Human Desire kicks ass!!!
I really have slowed down in my music shirt collection but I might go after a couple shirts at this. Obviously, the progpower shirt was a must and I am glad to have ordered it. I think I might go for a nightwish,symphony X,and secret sphere shirt.
I hope to calm myself as if the end records are there, I usually go crazy buying cds from them. I would like to get a few symphony x cds or vandenplas cds I don't have. who knows as it is my first trip to progpower and I have no clue how the merch section is set up.

Is the merch section in another room, by the front doors, or what can anyone tell me about it?