band names

I love band names that have the "of" part in it and isn't necessarily boring like Cradle of Filth(best name ever!), Circle of Dead Children, Paths of Possession....
Zephyrus said:
Some bands I like I came to simply because the name sounded cool.

That, cover art, good song titles/concept, and song lengths/distribution of songs alter my perception of what is good HEAVILY...not as much as the music itself, obviously, but I digress...
metal_wrath said:
I agree,

Now if they were called 'The Butthole Surfers' or something like that I dodubt they would be as popular.

Yeah, like the indie band Fuck has never gotten popular because of their name. Great music, though.

Zephyrus said:
I will explore the Florida scene in due time. In fact, that just might be my next move.

You won't regret it. :kickass:
Lady_Laiho said:
I love band names that have the "of" part in it and isn't necessarily boring like Cradle of Filth(best name ever!), Circle of Dead Children, Paths of Possession....
COF is the best name ever? I think it's kinda silly.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
That, cover art, good song titles/concept, and song lengths/distribution of songs alter my perception of what is good HEAVILY...not as much as the music itself, obviously, but I digress...

Indeed. I tend to be more attracted to bands which exhibit deeper concepts in their artwork, name, etc, more so than bands with unoriginal themes like gore and anti-religion.

For example I'm more likely to pick up an album with artwork depicting appocalyptic future-scapes than an album with a picture of some dude getting his organs ripped out.

Same goes for band names.
i agree, nice logo, nice name, nice cover art and a nice theme is more likely to make you pick up a random cd and buy it just because its aesthetically (sp?) pleasing. luckily most of the time, bands that put enough effort in to produce this are usually worth listening to anyway.

personally i like Bolt Thrower, due to the fact that some of their work is based upon the Warhammer 40000 universe, of which i am interested in. the name is simple and fits with the musical theme.

emperor - awesome band logo, and some very nice album artwork, aswell as a simple effective name =) great band too.

screaming from the oblivion - this name just sounds great. =D

vesperian sorrow - cool logo, and an awesome sounding name.
Zephyrus said:
Indeed. I tend to be more attracted to bands which exhibit deeper concepts in their artwork, name, etc, more so than bands with unoriginal themes like gore and anti-religion.

For example I'm more likely to pick up an album with artwork depicting appocalyptic future-scapes than an album with a picture of some dude getting his organs ripped out.

Same goes for band names.

This is exactly how I feel. I don't understand why people think gore lyrics are good. It's a cop-out, really; anyone can write lyrics like that. You just have to make it sound as violent as possible. :lol:
I've always found names such as Immortal and emperor to be quite boring, the bands are awesome though.

At the Gates
Morbid angel
Mournful congregation
Acid Bath
Deathspell Omega
Dark Tranquility
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Mercyful Fate
Fates Warning

... just some I consider to be awesome, original band names. I guess I tend to like alot of those starting with the letter 'A' or 'D' for some reason...