Band of the Day: Rainbow!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Which is your favorite Rainbow album, and why?

For me, it has to be Long Live Rock n Roll. It has to be the Dio era considered here as I don't think anything that came after can stand up to that period (never heard the Doogie White album, admittedly). Just packed full of hard rock/heavy metal (you tell me Kill the King isn't heavy metal, I dare you!) goodness front to back, with less weak points than either the debut or Rising. Kill the King and Gates of Babylon still hold up today...
Jim LotFP said:
Which is your favorite Rainbow album, and why?
I'd probably go with LLRnR as well, just because I like every track on it very much, quite a nice mix both musically and lyrically (and the lyrics to "The Shed" are unintentionally amusing considering the elf who is singing it - but he does sound like a bad ass, so wtf) - although "Rising" has my all time favorite "Stargazer" and I'm quite fond of the debut... come to think of it, I like every song from those first 3 records very much. All 3 Dio discs are essential, so chosing a favorite is difficult.

All I have besides those is "Straight Between the Eyes" which was okay radio rock, but nothing special.

Supposedly the last disc Blackmore did was similar to the Dio stuff? I've never heard it, but seem to remember some reviews claiming that it had the classic vibe.

Speaking of Blackmore, I really like what he's doing with his child bride these days, so I for one don't wanna hear a Rainbow reunion - especially since Cozy is dead.
numbskull said:
I'd probably go with LLRnR as well, just because I like every track on it very much, quite a nice mix both musically and lyrically (and the lyrics to "The Shed" are unintentionally amusing considering the elf who is singing it - but he does sound like a bad ass, so wtf) - although "Rising" has my all time favorite "Stargazer" and I'm quite fond of the debut... come to think of it, I like every song from those first 3 records very much. All 3 Dio discs are essential, so chosing a favorite is difficult..

All three are excellent... for sure... Dio-era Rainbow is usually what I direct people to first when I'm suggesting 70s stuff... followed by King Crimson and Deep Purple. :)

numbskull said:
I really like what he's doing with his child bride these days

If this was the other, goofy, forum, I'd have so much fun with this line. But from what I understand, he's happy, he's not pissing every single person around him off anymore, so more power to him. For everything he gave rock and metal, he deserves to be successful at whatever he wants to do... and damn it, the people around him deserve to not be driven to the point of wanting to kill him. :)
Jim LotFP said:
All three are excellent... for sure... Dio-era Rainbow is usually what I direct people to first when I'm suggesting 70s stuff... followed by King Crimson and Deep Purple. :)
What? No Sabbath? Are ye mad?

Anyways... I keep debating getting the KC stuff that Laser's Edge has. My brother and some friends in high school listened to that stuff all the time, but I've never bought any. Saw Adrian Belew live once - he's a nifty player, but he had some young kid (looked about 14) backing him who was insanely good.

Purple is a weird band (not that KC isn't) - they're psychedlic blues things are bizarre... I much prefer their straight ahead radio-friendly tracks... but it's very cool how they jumped around in approaches (even if I personally don't dig 'em that much - as I fuckin' hate hippy shit - hence the apprehension to buy any KC).

Looking back at the 70s, it's amazing how versatile so many of the bands were - and how radio actually supported it. Big Brother (or the Illuminati, depending on which paranoia you wish to support) ruined it all... that and genre politics.

Jim LotFP said:
If this was the other, goofy, forum
Haven't been there in weeks - last time I checked it, the troll twins were reigning supreme.

Jim LotFP said:
I'd have so much fun with this line.
So this forum is no fun? ;)

Jim LotFP said:
But from what I understand, he's happy, he's not pissing every single person around him off anymore, so more power to him. For everything he gave rock and metal, he deserves to be successful at whatever he wants to do...
I agree - unfortunately he brings alot of it upon himself. Candy was even giving him shit in the new BW&BK (I know you hate that rag, so I figured ya didn't see it).
numbskull said:
What? No Sabbath? Are ye mad?

I am not going to recommend anything to anyone if Ozzy is singing on it. If you want Sabbath recommendations from me you're going to have to go all the way to 1980.

numbskull said:
Purple is a weird band (not that KC isn't) - they're psychedlic blues things are bizarre... I much prefer their straight ahead radio-friendly tracks... but it's very cool how they jumped around in approaches (even if I personally don't dig 'em that much - as I fuckin' hate hippy shit - hence the apprehension to buy any KC).

In Rock and Perfect Strangers are my favorite Purples... but yes... strange band... to their credit.

And I don't know if I'd call KC 'hippy shit'... definitely not so peace and love...
I have to go with Long Live... as well. That album is just so excellent all the way through and also contains my all time favorite Rainbow tune The Gates of Babylon. Not that this was a very easy decision because the S/T and Rising are also great albums.
I am not going to recommend anything to anyone if Ozzy is singing on it. If you want Sabbath recommendations from me you're going to have to go all the way to 1980.

Actually the Sabbath album from 1980 is Heaven and Hell which is with Dio. It's a damn shame so many people discount all of the rest of Black Sabbath's catalogue after Ozzy's departure. Those who do are doing themselves a great injustice by depriving them of some top quality ass kicking heavy metal. With classics like the aforementioned Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules, Born Again (w/ Ian Gillian), The Eternal Idol (w/ Tony Martin) and all of the rest for that matter. If you've never given any of them a chance I suggest that you do. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Jim LotFP said:
I am not going to recommend anything to anyone if Ozzy is singing on it.
You bastard!

Ah well - I've always liked Ozzy's voice and Iommi wrote so much great music on those early records that I'd like 'em even if Gerrit Mutz had sung on 'em.

Jim LotFP said:
And I don't know if I'd call KC 'hippy shit'... definitely not so peace and love...
I'll have to check 'em out again - that's based on associating the people I knew who listened to it rather than my actual memory of the music itself. It's been a fucking dog's age since I've heard any KC stuff.