Band promotion. What works and what doesn't.

and his recipes for monkey and peewees...and the butt flesh turned into a rouladen sort of thing.
xfer said:
Albert Fish = my favourite serial killer

me too me too!

i like that he had fetishes that no one had ever heard of, like sticking long-stemmed roses up his urethra, looking at himself in the mirror like that, and then eating the flower!

Just went to the local independent record store to get the new Les Claypool, Megadeth (it was too expensive, got the first Kyuss and a Queens of the Stone Age EP instead), and a copy of maudlin of the Well - Bath for Black Winter Day and...

clerk: "cool, first maudlin of the Well fan I've seen in here!"
me: "I'm actually buying that for a friend but yeah, they're awesome. Have you checked out Kayo Dot?"
clerk: "no not yet, that's the band that spawned from them right..."
me: "Yeah. I definitely recommend them, more experimental and I find them a little better."
clerk: "right on man, I'll check them out!"

I would yell 100% PROMOTION but I neglected to tell him about the upcoming tour.