band troubles....share your thoughts please


Jul 27, 2005
so, long story short, one of my bands is breaking up due to the drummer and lead guitar player leaving....the singer and i are starting a new band together, and our (ex) bass player is very upset by the fact that he isn't part of the new band. not a big deal imho, shit happens.

BUT: we have a last gig lined up. since the drummer and guitar player left there's no way we could play this as a farewell-show, so the two of us decided to do this gig with our new band's lineup.....imho it's better to play the show this way (and perform a couple of new songs too) than to cancel it altogether. after all we both were part of the old band and know the songs inside out (obviously), and it's a pretty big gig so we should leave the best impression we can.

well, lately the bass-player is acting all weird and spams facebook/myspace/etc that the gig is cancelled.

what do you think? is he acting like a bitch, or is he right and we should have done the show with him (with just the new drummer)?
we were figuring that since we don't have the old drummer and lead guitar player (who both were the creative/main forces behind the old band) available for the show it's better to do the show as good as we can in the new lineup (and the new bass-guy is much more professional all-round than the old one anyways) rather than doing half-assed things just to comfort some peoples ego.....
i'm not quite sure where we're being unprofessional assholes here or he's the guy acting all weird.
we're playing with RAGE, and it's been a bitch to get on that show in the first place. that's why we're trying everything to make the show possible
I would do it, fuck the old bassplayer, he sould have worked harder if he wanted to play that show,
so he just should stop the bitching, he doesn't have to like it, but it's his fault, too!
Sounds like you didn't ask the bass player what he thought before deciding the play the show with the new line up? I think what you did was a little out of order, but he is also being unprofessional by confusing people by posting bullshit on the net about the gig. Keep it internal, discuss with him. Don't let it spill out onto the net.
well, we did have a few talks about the future, and he had some very strange ideas...for example he doesn't want to spend money on a band anymore, actually it should be profitable, so we shouldn't play a show without getting 100€ per member plus additional band expenses (gas money) he doesn't have enough money so he'd want the rehearsal room to be close to him, essentially forcing the three other members to drive 1 1/2 hours to rehearsal (we all live nearby each other, except for him. it used to be different but with the two old guys (who were living close to him) quitting the band things have changed).
based on this (plus musical differences....he fit the old band like a glove, but the new band has a much more modern and faster style and is a one-guitar-only band, so the bass becomes infinitely more important anyways) we decided a new guy would be in order.....and when we let him know he started posting crap all over the internet.

technically he could have played that last gig....but then again, if we're forced to do it in the new lineup anyways there's no chance of a "real" farewell show with all the original members, but presenting the new band will be much more efficient.

i certainly didn't mean to let this spill into the internet....
Well I can understand where the bassist is coming from. He thought he had his last show with the band and you've bumped him off for your own self promotion. It is a totally dickish move to spread misinformation about the gig.
I can see it from your side too as it's a great opportunity to promote the new band, and that 2 members have left so it's not really the old bands farewell show if there's 2 new members in it.

Maybe you should have spoke to the bass player first and see how he felt about it though.

EDIT: just seen your post thats popped up as I was writing my reply. Yeah it looks like your bassist is acting pretty odd. But as Drew says he's probably a bit pissed off at not getting to play the last show. Even though it's not really the same band anymore.

Talk to him dude. Not emails/MSN etc. Talk to him face to face or phone him. You need to talk this out with him and I'm sure it will be resolved.
Your old bass player is acting like a tool. You bumping him out of the last gig is you acting like a tool. The band members that wrote all the old music and left probally are pissed you want to play a show saying your new band is their old band. I am not trying to crap on you, but that is the way it looks to me.

Why not play the big show with Rage as your new band with new songs and no connection to your old band? It would be a great way for your new band to debut and nobody gets their toes stepped on.
how much of a problem is it if you let him play that gig?
you probably don't really want to consider it as you are fed up with the "old" band generally, but he doesn't suck at his instrument appearently, so would it make really that much of a difference for the audience if he played the gig?
at least offer it to him, if he really wants to play that gig badly, he must also be motivated to learn a few new songs for that, if he isn't he doesn't really want it and is just using this opportunity to let out his frustration about the band dissolving which hasn't much to do with your new band
sounds like he is butthurt

it's the same band you had troubles with some time ago I guess, pitty to see it didnt work out the way you thought it would (If I remember correctly)
but playing with RAGE is indeed awesome.
But yeah, seems to be a problem if you play under the banner of the old band with the new if he says that HIS band isnt playing he's even right ;)
Sounds like unprofessional bullshit all around. You know typical band shit where everyone is being a cunt.

And if you are a new band, then be a new band. Tell it how it is and write new material, I would be pissed if a member of the band I was in decided "hey fuck you I'm gonna play this show without you, no offense but we are a new band... oh but we are gonna play the songs we used to play."

If you were a completely new band with new material this issue wouldn't/ shouldn't be an issue at all.
to clarify that "new band" subject:
we used to be a 5-piece....drummer and other guitar player (=the two songwriters) left.
myself and the old singer are forming another band.
we've had that gig lined up for about a year, the two old guys knew it but quit anyways.

me and the singer have to decide between getting a session drummer and playing that show with the old bass player, plus the two of us. OR play that show in the full new lineup.

but well, yes, it probably was a pretty dickish move from our side too.....but well, the fact that he's been playing bass in the old band doesn't automatically mean that he'll get to play in a band that me and the singer form after the breakup of the old band.
and while he might be entitled to play that last show, the new guy is running circles around him playing-wise and it certainly is the better solution as far as live peformance goes.
Play the show and dont call it a farewell gig, who cares what it's called anyway, it's a new band playing a show. Move on with your life and let the bullshit fade in the rear view mirror. But sure as fuck dont play any of the old band's songs...that will cause more shit than it's worth. Maybe do some covers and any new originals you have.
Play the show and dont call it a farewell gig, who cares what it's called anyway, it's a new band playing a show. Move on with your life and let the bullshit fade in the rear view mirror. But sure as fuck dont play any of the old band's songs...that will cause more shit than it's worth. Maybe do some covers and any new originals you have.
