Band with the most mid-song changes?


Super Normie
Aug 22, 2007
Okay so I have been getting cozy with the salvia divinorum lately, and I have discovered that it is EXTREMELY inlightening to listen to some totally awesome metal with some really loud earphones while tripping. It's pretty much perfect. And ya'll were good for my last reccomendation-mongering so here I am again.

What is the band with the most mid-song changes? Really heavy riffs, and you can never tell what's coming up next? As little repetition as humanly possible. Just all over the place crazy. Also, weird noises and effects are also astoundingly appreciated!

Thanks, dudes.
Spiral Architect

Not breakdown-y but extremely technical & rewarding. It's hard to memorize their music & there's not much in the way of "hooks", but it makes for a more rewarding listen.
I agree with everyone saying uneXpect. They're extremely ADD and all over the place.