The Most Technical Band

Spiral Architect, Gorguts, Behold The Arctopus (I'm glad somebody mentioned them before I did) and Spastic Ink...are the ones that come to mind for me.
Man, a lot of the bands here don't strike me as that technical at all, at least in terms of what they actually play.

Sleep Terror, Spawn of Possession, Anata, Gorguts, Beneath the Massacre, Spiral Architect, and Crimson Massacre are all pretty technical (though not necessarily very good), and the new Deathspell Omega is definitely up there as far as technical playing goes (all the more impressive since they fit it into a black metal framework).
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Ben: Now he'll "unignore" you again to read what you have posted. Ah,curiosity. I imagine it's such hard work to keep throwing everyone on and off the list all the time.:p
c'mon with some of these nominations. just because a band blasts through every song doesn't mean it's technical.

a very technical band, which i dont even like that much, is the number 12 looks like you.