Most Talented Band Ever?

blasting is annoying when it's done incessantly (see Vital Remains)

While I like VR's music, the blast beats get annoying after the first 1.5 minutes of the song.
some of my favorite drummers in metal employ blast beats (george kollias, mike smith, pete sandoval) while others don't (dave lombardo, shawn reinert, steve flynn, richard christy).

I like blastbeats when they are used tastefully, but they certainly don't require alot of talent. Saying blasting fast is impressive is like saying playing guitar fast is impressive. Neither one means jack shit.

yet you like Necrofagist. explain.
Talent doesn't equal quality. In my opinion, I have yet to hear a band more talented and precise as Dream Theater. Do I like their music? No, it puts me to fuckin' sleep. It's all about the hooks.
I agree. It has some more interesting songs like Foul Body Autopsy and Mutilate the Stillborn. All in all there isn't a song that isn't boring except for maybe To Breathe in a Casket because of how long it is.

all the songs are pretty good, culinary hyperversity, advanced corpse tumor, mutilate the stillborn etc... It's a decent 2nd or 3rd tier tech death album IMO.