Most Talented Band Ever?

I agree that Prog Rock lacks emotion. Gordian Knot and maybe some of that 70's stuff mentioned are the sole exceptions.

you guys are mistaking what you perceive to be poor songwriting for lack of emotion. When you say something has no emotion, it means that it is played very cold/mechanical/with no feeling at all. Something like this could apply to the last necrophagist album, but how can you possibly say this about bands like tool, flower kings, ayreon etc...? it's just plain inaccurate when you judge the music at least somewhat objectively.
There are a few exceptions such as The Flower Kings and Porcupine Tree. If we're to jump into the modern progressive "alt rock" stuff like dredg, Co&Ca, Oceansize, and The Mars Volta that is a whole different story though, pure emotion there.
you guys are mistaking what you perceive to be poor songwriting for lack of emotion. When you say something has no emotion, it means that it is played very cold/mechanical/with no feeling at all. Something like this could apply to the last necrophagist album, but how can you possibly say this about bands like tool, flower kings, ayreon etc...? it's just plain inaccurate when you judge the music at least somewhat objectively.

Objectively, you need good songwriting to induce emotion.
it takes a lot of talent to play fast and as tightly as possible, dickhead. especially without triggers.

When did it define drumming ?. Who cares if a drummer does not do blast beats. What does building up endurance hitting a snare drum fast for 3,4 minites have to do with what drummers have more or least talent than others.

Many of metal drummers that have blast beats don't do anything with their hit period and it just seems they practice just snare hits for 5 years.
When did it define drumming ?. Who cares if a drummer does not do blast beats. What does building up endurance hitting a snare drum fast for 3,4 minites have to do with what drummers have more or least talent than others.

Many of metal drummers that have blast beats don't do anything with their hit period and it just seems they practice just snare hits for 5 years.

I wasn't saying death metal bands that do not incorporate blasts, such as Grave and Entombed are untalented, because they make great music regardless. still, blasting is something that takes practice.
All drummers I have heard that don't do blast beats are more interesting than drummers that do blast beats in metal.
furthermore, I don't see whats so "untalented" about blasting. most of my favorite bands employ them (blastbeats) quite frequently. saying blasting is untalented is pretty much insulting to my favorite style of music, grindcore.
No one is really saying their is no talent or skill invovled. Your entire point of trying to say some traditional drummers could not compete with some newer blast beat style drummer is so stupid, AND why because maybe they never spent time trying to see how fast they can hit a snare,etc... what kind of point was using that to try and compete drumming and drummers. That's so stupid.
No one is really saying their is no talent or skill invovled. Your entire point of trying to say some traditional drummers could not compete with some newer blast beat style drummer is so stupid, AND why because maybe they never spent time trying to see how fast they can hit a snare,etc... what kind of point was using that to try and compete drumming and drummers. That's so stupid.

blasting involves more than just hitting the snare.
All drummers I have heard that don't do blast beats are more interesting than drummers that do blast beats in metal.

some of my favorite drummers in metal employ blast beats (george kollias, mike smith, pete sandoval) while others don't (dave lombardo, shawn reinert, steve flynn, richard christy).

I like blastbeats when they are used tastefully, but they certainly don't require alot of talent. Saying blasting fast is impressive is like saying playing guitar fast is impressive. Neither one means jack shit.