Bands covering Anthrax tunes


Dec 16, 2002
Can anyone list some bands that have covered Anthrax songs over the years? I already have a download of Haymaker's cover of Caught in a Mosh (which is fucking cool actually).

Any others?

Cheers people.
Trust covered Anti-social :tickled:
I heard a horrible cover of "Bring the Noise" by Limp Bizkit and some other shite band, i know it's not really a Thrax song but it scarred me deeply!
Trust covered Anti-social :tickled:
I heard a horrible cover of "Bring the Noise" by Limp Bizkit and some other shite band, i know it's not really a Thrax song but it scarred me deeply!
Ive heard LOA and Entombed cover march of the SOD but again that doesn't count does it. So in answer to your post no i have not heard anyone cover Anthrax... :p
We started shouting some Anthrax tunes to a local band here.
They knew the beginning of Indians, but that was it.
I was surprised they knew that much. They couldn't been much older than 20yrs.