Anthrax covered

Pantera's voice echo really stinks. Or is that a bad recording?

I'm not entirely sure why, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Pantera video wasn't a professionally shot video, or if it was, the quality has suffered somewhat in the intervening years.
As such it may not accurately reflect how the band sounded, or even looked that night. Unless back in those days they really looked like they were made from lego blocks, as that low resolution video seems to suggest.

Is that a bad recording? Are you an idiot?
its so old to be taking a dig at pantera,power metal was done b4 anselmo even joined the band and were heading in a heavier direction,cfh was first record where phil had alot more input,its a natural progression,people r so quick to forget slayer and alot of other metal bands used to wear glam stle clothing,if the record company was so influentual they would never have went heavier after cfh,they woulda took the soft option.

If the record company had anything to do with it, Pantera would have been wearing flannel, and emulating the Nirvana, Alice In Chains and Soundgarden.

Pantera was the EXACT OPPOSITE of what record companies want, and yet still was one of the most successful rock acts of the 90's with no support from radio or MTV.

To say Pantera, was record company created is just asinine.

Now Drowning Pool, Soil, etc... thats a different story...
Is that a bad recording? Are you an idiot?

Well thank you, maybe I am, maybe my english just sometimes shows that I'm no native speaker... I tried to ask, if the echo was intentionally put in there, or if that was the obviously bad recording. If someone with a little sense of human interaction skills could answer this, I'd really appreciate it.
Well thank you, maybe I am, maybe my english just sometimes shows that I'm no native speaker... I tried to ask, if the echo was intentionally put in there, or if that was the obviously bad recording. If someone with a little sense of human interaction skills could answer this, I'd really appreciate it.

Ah, okay, my apologies, your English is better than most, so I never caught the fact it wasn't your native language, so sorry for the sarcasm.
I suspect that delay effect on Phil's vocals is an artifact of the recording, or possibly of the PA that night. I wouldn't judge the band, or even that performance, on the strength of that poor quality Youtube video. :kickass: