Anthrax concert in Phoenix, AZ


New Metal Member
May 29, 2003
Anthrax thrashed from 10:20 to 11:40 in Phoenix, AZ; with these songs in order played:

What Can't Die
Black Dalia
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
Metal Thrashing Man
Bring the Noise

This show was Wednesday, May 28th, in Phoenix, AZ!! There were a couple of bands open up to warm up the crowd. Then, the great Death Angel came onstage and tore it up with the whole crowd into them. I guess Death Angel last performed in Phoenix thirteen years ago. Hopefully it will not be as long again, they were great live. There were about 1,000 fans in a venue that holds 1,300 max. The crowd was crazy and everyone was head banging and pounding their fists in the air. Anthrax was intense and performed an awesome show!! 'Horns Up' to Anthrax!! Death Angel joined Anthrax on Bring the Noise and everyone on stage was jumping everywhere. It was awesome!!

Anthrax mentioned a US tour after Europe and Japan, near the end of the summer. They mentioned August for Phoenix with more great heavy metal line ups (opening bands).

I had the great fortune of meeting the band afterwards. They signed everything for everyone and took tons of pictures. Anthrax is the coolest! They are the hardest workers on and off stage. They satisfy their fans to the fullest. Thanks for 'staying heavy!'


Please support in requesting Anthrax "Safe Home" to your local rock radio station. Call as many times throughout the day!! See this thread for more information on how:
I wanted to go. SO bad. So so bad. Damn car needed a new oxygen sensor and a new EGR unit so there went my ticket $$. On the upside, from what I read here, they'll be bnack in August so I'll make damn sure I have the $ then!
rob told me they would be touring with lamb of god and maybe candiria in the summer after they get back from overseas.

It was same set list for both arizona gigs. I had hoped I would get indians on one night and I am the law the other but oh well, death angel and anthrax tore it up both nights!!
Great review. I was there last night...right in the front. I'm feeling it today. Oh well. Got some great photos during the show and after. Chatted after the show with Scott, Frank, and John. Scott was a little quiet. They all looked tired. Very cool of them to take the time...

Can't wait until August!!!

No Lone Justice. I was yelling for it in the front, so at least I tried!!

Death Angel fucking ruled. So glad to see them back.

markandmary said:
Anthrax thrashed from 10:20 to 11:40 in Phoenix, AZ; with these songs in order played:

What Can't Die
Black Dalia
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
Metal Thrashing Man
Bring the Noise

This show was Wednesday, May 28th, in Phoenix, AZ!! There were a couple of bands open up to warm up the crowd. Then, the great Death Angel came onstage and tore it up with the whole crowd into them. I guess Death Angel last performed in Phoenix thirteen years ago. Hopefully it will not be as long again, they were great live. There were about 1,000 fans in a venue that holds 1,300 max. The crowd was crazy and everyone was head banging and pounding their fists in the air. Anthrax was intense and performed an awesome show!! 'Horns Up' to Anthrax!! Death Angel joined Anthrax on Bring the Noise and everyone on stage was jumping everywhere. It was awesome!!

Anthrax mentioned a US tour after Europe and Japan, near the end of the summer. They mentioned August for Phoenix with more great heavy metal line ups (opening bands).

I had the great fortune of meeting the band afterwards. They signed everything for everyone and took tons of pictures. Anthrax is the coolest! They are the hardest workers on and off stage. They satisfy their fans to the fullest. Thanks for 'staying heavy!'


Please support in requesting Anthrax "Safe Home" to your local rock radio station. Call as many times throughout the day!! See this thread for more information on how:
AlexStomp said:
Brat, did you not go to the show?

Nope. My little one went on a bottle strike, and I couldn't leave her at bedtime like that. Also being a Wednesday night, I couldn't have gotten my mother-in-law to stay with the kids that late. I drove past it though, not even planning to, at about 5:30. I saw the bus.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Nope. My little one went on a bottle strike, and I couldn't leave her at bedtime like that. Also being a Wednesday night, I couldn't have gotten my mother-in-law to stay with the kids that late. I drove past it though, not even planning to, at about 5:30. I saw the bus.

ouch !! to see the club and the tour bus and not be able to go. At least you have your priorities straight.
Seeing both of those bands live would be awesome! I have never seen Death Angel and I was a big fan of theirs.