Bands from your hometown

trypes (holes in english) was the ultimate band from thessaloniki tho. but they used greek lyrics so you lot won't find it interesting i reckon. and they're not metal either, kinda hard rock thing. i started listening to them after they split so i never watched a gig with them... :(
A Group Of Our Town (that Lives In Thessaloniki) Is Funeral Revolt. They Are Going To Play As A Support Band With Moonspel In 17 January In Thessaloniki.
thessaloniki ffs. should ve mentioned national pornographic!

and sophia, you forgot dream evil, right? gus' band haha
blackeyed said:
oooo i went to see a local band last night!!! they are called Ogun and they played at the Masque in Liverpool (for anyone who goes to l'pool) and they were quite good, fret wanking was impressive but not over done and the bassist was uber cool - and i also want the drummers children hehe ;) if you wana check em out lemme know and ill send you a link ...... when i find one :?
where exactly are you from??? :wave:
sol83 said:
trypes (holes in english) was the ultimate band from thessaloniki tho. but they used greek lyrics so you lot won't find it interesting i reckon. and they're not metal either, kinda hard rock thing. i started listening to them after they split so i never watched a gig with them... :(
Hmmh.. their name sounds pretty familiar. Do you know if they did some friendlish tour with a finnish band a few years ago? Like they supported the band here and vice versa?
DragonLady1 said:
don, they are nice!!!! I have the album when they still were called pentagram... "anatolia"... nice one!

hm, I remember some other cool bands from Istanbul :)

i was pretty sure you'd know them :cool: they are a really good band whom im very proud of. they are still called "pentagram" in turkey, but because there is another band with the same name, they release their stuff under "mezarkabul" in europe and the states. i'd suggest you check out the album they released under the name mezarkabul. it's much better.
Don Corleone said:
i was pretty sure you'd know them :cool: they are a really good band whom im very proud of. they are still called "pentagram" in turkey, but because there is another band with the same name, they release their stuff under "mezarkabul" in europe and the states. i'd suggest you check out the album they released under the name mezarkabul. it's much better.

hehe sure, my friends from Istanbul made me listen to them... I know some other bands like Knight Errant (do they still exist?), Athor (hm, not all from Istanbul I think, I made a cover artwork for them but dunno if they used it or not), Radical Noise (I know they split up I think) and some others I dont remember right now... Anyway, there are deffo some cool bands there!! :rock:
DragonLady1 said:
hehe sure, my friends from Istanbul made me listen to them... I know some other bands like Knight Errant (do they still exist?), Athor (hm, not all from Istanbul I think, I made a cover artwork for them but dunno if they used it or not), Radical Noise (I know they split up I think) and some others I dont remember right now... Anyway, there are deffo some cool bands there!! :rock:

wow you are cooler than i thought. i havent listened to athor but have heard about them.

and yeah unfortunately knight errant split. their guitarist formed a similar band "almora". they are ok

radical noise is a quite good hardcore band whom i happen to like. didnt know you checked out that stuff, too.
national pornographic is superb like. well i want to see em live really much (will happen once) but those 3 tracks i know from that demo... fucken brilliant. and another plus is that theyre really wayward (= making their own kind of music, being inspired but not really being influenced if you know what i mean)

people who dont mind heavy rock (no fucken metal or whatsoever, and actually its heavier then cradly of filth haha) should contact the miss at the emailaddress sophia supplied.

but in fact its better to put the mp3s on the internet so you dont have to bother poor chrysa. ill do so one of the coming days. tadaaaam.
if anyone is interested of course... ?
Don Corleone said:
wow you are cooler than i thought. i havent listened to athor but have heard about them.

and yeah unfortunately knight errant split. their guitarist formed a similar band "almora". they are ok

radical noise is a quite good hardcore band whom i happen to like. didnt know you checked out that stuff, too.

ah I was about 3 times in Istanbul, so I checked out a few things there and bought some tapes, there are deffo some great bands! :rock:

I know Radical Noise for I know their drummer, Emre, he's in Germany now I think, but he's a nice lad, havent heard from him for a while now... As far as I remember they also played as support act for Anathema in early 2000. hm what about that band called "Infected" ? They sounded a little like Cradle, but was cool music tho, do they still exist?