Bands similar to DT


May 25, 2002
I`ve always meant that Dark Tranquillity has had a unique sound, and although that they`ve played very typical Gothenburg-metal, it has been hard to find bands to compare with.

But when I yesterday listened to a few old "Gothenburg"-albums I found that A Canorous Quintets "Silence of the world beyond" somehow is close to what Dark Tranquillity did at the same time (Skydancer, the Gallery). I`ve never noticed this so clear before, is there some sense to it, or am I all wrong?

I would also like to hear if anyone has opinions about bands/albums that`s close to what Dark Tranquillity has done over the years (Not like In Flames or something, they are way too different)

Another thing I noticed was that Sacrilege`s "The fifth Season" had something to the guitars that lies close up to Dissection`s "Storm of the light`s bane" at some parts, although a softer and "warmer" sound, of course. I found it kind of amusing to compare bands like this, to see where they take their inspirations from, and maybe if there are any rip-offs.

Speaking of rip-offs I think it`s obvious that Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth has stolen the opening riff of "To a bitter halt" in one of their songs at "Horror Show" (I don`t remember which one)
Originally posted by Nexus
Speaking of rip-offs I think it`s obvious that Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth has stolen the opening riff of "To a bitter halt" in one of their songs at "Horror Show" (I don`t remember which one)

you're thinking of "Dragon's Child"

it's kinda similar, but not identical.. and besides, I dunno if Schaffer even digs DT, he seems more like the Priest/Maiden type to me.. (w/ a little Metallica on the side, he is just too "twu metal" to admit it, hahaha)
Try Tristania they have alot of co-ed ( femal/male vocals ) work but IMO some songs the vocalist sings sounds like stanne :eek:
I'd say Eucharist's Mirrorworlds is in the same vein, released around the same time and pretty much kicks major ass. A Vlevet Creation is also excellent.
The problem is you will are very unlikely to find these albums nowadays since they were issued on WAR :mad:

Other bands you might want to check out if you haven't done it already are:

-Dissection (Storm of the light's bane)
-Armageddon (Crossing the Rubicon)
-Serberus (Our Dying Grace) to some extent

None of these bands are Dark Tranquillity clones, but if you like Dark Tranquillity, you'll probably appreciate these bands too.

El Cid.
Amsvartner's album, "Dreams" (or something like that) is quite similar to Haven, though nowhere close to being as good (it was a dissapointing album, considering their debut was so cool.... I'm talking about Amsvartner here.... ;))
Originally posted by Cid
I'd say Eucharist's Mirrorworlds is in the same vein, released around the same time and pretty much kicks major ass. A Vlevet Creation is also excellent.
The problem is you will are very unlikely to find these albums nowadays since they were issued on WAR :mad:

I think they've been rereleased. At least this store not that near me has them both.
AVC is out on Regain Records, who've also re-released Naglfar's Vittra and several others. They haven't reissued Mirrorworlds as far as I know.
I can't say I enjoy the first one much, the production, monotony and poor growling kind of ruins it for me. I think the first problem has been fixed on the Regain version though.
Mirrorworlds on the other hand is an excellent album, among the best Gothenburg Death (or whatever) albums ever released.