Puscifer is a great project of maynards, but most ppl don't like it because of how non-rock it is... a lot of people have trouble breaking out of what they are used to, it's a weird genre of music. I must say though, on the spiritualist side of things, puscifer definately matches with Tool... both have a lot of deep symbolism and esoterica and philosophy interwoven into the music... A perfect circle seems to touch on the more material concerns such as government corruption... All in all when it comes to the whole third eye focus, Tool and Puscifer take it on that... which is why I started listening to Tool in the first place, they revived the ajna chakra among their listeners... something NO OTHER band does this, other than maybe pink floyd (but very indirectly). You can see this is very true when you look at what the band's status is on transcendence... I mean Danny Carey collects original Aleister Crowley writings... they mean to promote mental and spiritual development... you won't find other music that does that (other than puscifer)
I can't believe it took people so long to mention puscifer... I think that's good though, since the band is trying to stay a little more underground since Tool got commercial (though I'm not insulting their music, they've kept their sound... it's just Tool doesn't come into town without TONS of people going... I HATE concerts... being a festival hippy and a raver, I feel totally disconnected from the music and it seems so impersonal... you just stand in a crowd and watch).... Puscifer shows on the other hand are done in random warehouses and are not advertised a lot of the time.