Bands that support the troops serving overseas...


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I just read this article and thought it was pretty cool. It's great to see some bands supporting what we do. A+ to Saosin(even though they are Emo:heh:) and to all the other bands that support us troops!

The only other band I know that gives props to the troops(even though they don't agree with the war) is God Forbid.....
Godsmack kind of support USA terrorists (yeah, I´m talking about the US Army), but he probably is so dumb that he doesn´t even know what he was saying. Funny interview here. It´s sad because I like Godsmack music, but anyway, I like Zakk Wylde and Dimebag Darrell and they´re both well known dickheads.
Wow, you guys really are hollow - so I suppose you think our man Wolfe is a terrorist, Co? Jesus christ, he's serving his country/making a living, and regardless of the decisions of the higher ups or the morality of the war (and by the way, whether or not it was right to go in in the first place, it's certainly something that's a reality now, so we need people there regardless), the people who are over there deserve our support. Wolfe, I mentioned in another thread that my singer is over in Kyrgyzstan, and while he hates it, I sure as fuck support him cuz he's my friend and cuz he's a human being who is in a rough spot, thus I inherently feel compassion towards him because I'm human as well. Same goes for you and everyone over there as well, dude.
Sure it´s terrorism. Isn´t it a violent action against civilians for ideological reasons? How many civilians, womans and kids the american killed this year on Iraq to force them into their idea of democracy? The fact that people are "making a living" of killing innocent people across the sea is even worse, all the money in the world doesn´t justify a government lie to to the world (weapons of mass destruction?!), give a shit to the ONU and murder at will.
+1 Metaltastic's comment. It's a bullshit mission, (Iraq: NOT Afghanistan... that's a different story) but I support the troops 100%. Please come back in one piece.
Sure it´s terrorism. Isn´t it a violent action against civilians for ideological reasons?

I'd debate that.... Every single American over there is in a Uniform clearly identifying him or her as an American. Every vehicle is clearly stamped with American markings. Terrorists don't wear uniforms or have any rules of engagement. Last I checked, Americans don't hijack airliners & fly them into office towers, plant IED's, or wear suicide belts. .......But they do give a clear warning that they're coming. I seem to remember that they gave Hussein 48 hours to get the fuck out of Dodge.
Do you know how many americans were killed by people from Iraq before they invaded their country? Zero. What kind of argument is this one of the warning? Does it mean that if I say "Bush, get out of USA in 48 hours or I will kill you" it´s ok? I never liked Hussein, but this doesn´t make Bush any better. USA still pays lots of money to dethrone any leader they want. They did it in my country in the past and they are still doing with false media manipulation.

This war is wrong and mean, and I don´t care who is pushing the trigger, I wouldn´t support this thing in any way. Not even with my music.
Hitler didn´t killed all the jews by himself. If Germans stopped with the "well, now that we are on this shit let´s support our country" crap he would be just a crazy fag with a funny moustache yelling on the streets.
What kind of argument is this one of the warning?

The argument is simple: There was an ultimatum issued followed by a formal declaration of war. If you're going to start labelling people as terrorists, at least try to get your facts straight.

Terrorists don't file declarations of war. Terrorists don't wear uniforms. Terrorists intentionally target civilians. See a pattern here?

A little history lesson: In Vietnam, the US didn't declare war against the North. That's why downed US pilots weren't protected by the Geneva Convention and wound up suffering huge in the Hanoi Hilton. This time around, there was a declaration of war. Unfortunately, most insurgents don't bother with this & would just as soon behead the Americans.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen any Americans behead Iraqi insurgents, videotape it & broadcast it on the Internet, either. I wish I could say the same for Nicholas Berg.
This war is wrong and mean,

I agree with you on that point. It's a bullshit situation, & the troops shouldn't be in Iraq. But I'm not going to start shitting on them for doing what they have to do to stay alive. It's very easy to be judgmental from the safety of your keyboard. It's not so easy to be in the top of a Hummer with your finger on the trigger of a .50 caliber machinegun driving through Baghdad & scared shitless. That's why I support the troops & not necessarily the mission.
They didn´t beheaded and put on the internet, but they sure took some nasty pics of naked prisioners getting high voltage charges on wet floors. But anyway, my point is that I wouldn´t support the scared to shit guy on the Hummer, but go against the reasons that took him there. Take a look of the scene, a forreigner with giant guns on a country that they invaded just because they wanted. I don´t even know how can people think about it and go "nice, I will make a song supporting this guy". War rules are very convenient if you make them and break whenever you want. It´s really easy to win a game were you make the rules. If I was a leader and USA invaded my country I would just disband the army and surrender without a single shot. It´s impossible to win USA army on their terms... but I would give all the weapons to the people kill every single invader that dare to step into the cities. Guerrilla is the way to resist on these situations.
Ya'll should go buy this:


Oh, and read it, too :) ... it's educational, informative and funny ... and less than $11 :)

For Wolfeman: I don't know you and I suspect you are a regular, decent guy (like I would suspect most people in this world to be), but the US is rightfully the most hated country on this planet (yes, almost every country in this world despises the US). A post like yours on a worldwide forum will therefore always generate much more negativity than support.

Just like a post by a Buffalo Bills fan would be on a Dallas Cowboys forum ...
but go against the reasons that took him there.
In that respect, we're in perfect agreement. I'm not a Bush supporter, or even a supporter of the Iraq war. I think the current administration is out of their fucking minds. The first thing they should do is get the fuck out of Iraq.

I support the kids that have to join the army because there aren't any other employment opportunities for them, as the powers that be thought it would be a great idea to move all those jobs over to China so they can make a greater profit.
Ohh maaan...You are know so little truth...
Even i-here-in Russia-knows more...
In order to believe the conspiracy theories, you have to believe two fundamentals #1) The government is competent enough to pull it off (Not the Bush administration's strong point)
#2) They can keep a secret. (Never happens in the states. The F-117a was a black project that the residents of Las Vegas knew about years before is was publicly admitted)

Hahaha!Its truly american's way-to rise one man,and-after he turmed out of their control-have a big troubles with him...
Isnt that whould be more simple-do not rose such leaders,like Hussein?
Hussein was America's puppet-do not forget it.
Not forgotten. Good point.

Oh,yes?And-with Afghanistan-there all was ok?
Well-i-with my own eyes-saw,like your American...well-i whouldn't say-WHO he is-his name is Zbignev Bzesinsky-how he-in 80-ies-flies there,and-from a tribune-shout to the afghan's terrorists crowd-to go,and kill our-Russians-soldiers...
Yes, I support the Afghan mission. Russia went there as conquerors. Troops from my country are there to rebuild & restart the economy.
Say me-you - Americans have many,many oil in your country.But-you didnt use it.Why?You think,that there is a more simple way-to go to another country-Iraq,Iran,Afghanistan etc etc-and -kill there peoples for their oil-not yours.
And-you know why?
Because-you afraid-if you starts to use your own oil-one day-it comes to an end!And-america whouldnt be a great empire anymore!
No more "pax americana" (you know?what that means?your president-mr.Bush-i bet-knows...)

Actually, I'm Canadian. We sit on the world's second largest supply of oil. Nobody is in Afghanistan for oil, because there isn't any there. Canadian troops are in Afghanistan building schools, sewers, roads & generally trying to help. That' why I support that mission.

Iraq, on the other hand, is a nightmare that needs to end immediately. I support the troops: NOT the mission. Don't put words into my mouth. There is a difference. All I want to see is them come home alive & well. That's all.

If you want to label me a "terrorist sympathizer" for wanting them home alive, then so be it.

I understand all the arguments on the subject, and I respect everyones opinion on the matter, because you are rightfully allowed to have one.... That's why I don't get involved in these debates, because they go absolutely no where. I just didn't want this to turn into a debate thread, but you are right smy1, if you mention the word 'Iraq' anywhere on the internet, it becomes a pissing contest :err:

So since the topic is already way off the original post, you guys can go ahead and continue, and I'll just sit back and smile with my opinions to myself :saint:
That's why I don't get involved in these debates, because they go absolutely no where. I just didn't want this to turn into a debate thread, but you are right smy1, if you mention the word 'Iraq' anywhere on the internet, it becomes a pissing contest :err:

You're abolutely right. I should have known better than to get sucked into one of these. With that being said, I'll bow out now. Gook luck & Godspeed over there!
Wow!It is so poetic-to listen some crying Emo bands,and,after that-go,and kill some iraq people for oil...

Care to give me the number of gallons of oil we have taken from Iraq since we have been there? .......

0 buddy.

The oil we use in Iraq is brought in from Kuwait, purchased just like anyone else would purchase it. The oil in Iraq is controlled by OPEC, we will never be able to touch it. The whole 'there for oil' excuse is the worst I've ever heard from people.
You're abolutely right. I should have known better than to get sucked into one of these. With that being said, I'll bow out now. Gook luck & Godspeed over there!

Thanks man. If things get sketchy, I'll come visit up in C-Land for a few years :)