Bands who can't pull it off live...

I don't know how the hell I forgot about Leaves' Eyes. They have been absolutely agonizing all six times I have had to watch them.
Totally. I purposefully left them off. Kindness? Whatever. They were terrible live and so was AD on the Therion tour...same thing.

On Virgin Steele:
Their progpwer performance was the worst thing I have ever seen on that stage
I disagree. They were ok. A little cheesy; I expect that. Not technically great, but I've seen worse. I enjoyed their set. They were fun. Can say less for some bands I like more who didn't "show up."
Eh, you can handle that, if you're smart about what you leave out. My comments lean more towards the fact that they sounded horridly un-rehearsed both at PP and Jaxx on the ANatO tour - they were wobbly and out-of-sync enough that I sometimes wondered if they were even listening to each other.

You and Crooks are the cranky old women of metal :lol: I swear. You guys don't like ANYTHING. :)

The Michael
I'm surprised nobody brought up Loudness yet.

I thought they were great last year when I saw them. Granted, I'm not real familiar with their records so my post does have more to do with stage presence/energy than it does with their ability to reproduce their records live, which wasn't really the point of OP.

The biggest live disappointment I've ever had was Dimmu Borgir. Seeing them once was all it took to sink them in my eyes. I haven't been into them since, although I still occasionally listen to their records. Nevermore also always has problems live, but I can't tell if it's because they're actually not that good at playing live, or because they always have a horrible sound job (which they have every time I've seen them).
The biggest live disappointment I've ever had was Dimmu Borgir. Seeing them once was all it took to sink them in my eyes. I haven't been into them since, although I still occasionally listen to their records.

Wow, weird. I've seen them two or three times and have never been disappointed. The last tour (headlining at the Tabernacle here) even had the best setlist I'vs seen from them yet. ("The Insight and the Catharsis" ruled....)

Nevermore also always has problems live, but I can't tell if it's because they're actually not that good at playing live, or because they always have a horrible sound job (which they have every time I've seen them).

Here in Atlanta when Opeth opened for them, they were terrible. It might be more accurate to say that Warrel was terrible that night; there were Nevermore fans ( in NM t-shirts) leaving the venue in droves during their set, shaking their heads and wondering why. Apparently, Warrel had a really off-night. --And this, after half the audience left after Opeth finished their set; it was their first US tour.

After the show, NM's Jim Sheppard was talking to someone else from the tour and said ruefully "Yeah, it's been pretty brutal following Opeth on this tour, but nowhere as brutal as Atlanta."

wow..BEHEMOTH without a doubt goes in this category. I was blown away by them tonight.

King's X
Mute Math
Fair to Midland
Ours (as a headliner esp)

* looks at the topic

Uh, are these bands who you think can't pull it off live, or.....? :confused:
I've caught hell for saying this before, but I would throw Opeth into this category. I don't really care for their music to begin with, but they had absolutely no stage presence the two or three times I saw them. I know tons of people who love this band and own all their albums, but IMO they just can't pull off a good live show.

Know what i think is funny?

Is when people think Opeth is boring, but they think Riverside is amazingly entertaining.

Cracks me up. :P

Sorry... How exactly are IE bad live? Show me a video where they are not incredibly tight live.
What would one video prove? I'm sure I could find a video, ala YouTube, of almost any band sounding great and sounding like shit. I've seen them half a dozen times live. They've sucked every time. And keep in mind, I think their CDs are awesome. I've been a fan since the debut.

Take a look at the Symphony X, Epica, Into Eternity Teaming up for N. American Tour thread and note just how many people think they're terrible live. And again, keep in mind, almost all of the folks saying they suck live, are fans of the band's CDs.

It's one thing when people who don't like a band, slag a band's live performance. It's another when people who like the band, slag the band. If your fans think you suck live, than you probably suck live.

RATT are without equal when it comes to pitiful live performances. Unrecognizable tunes like each member is playing a different song. Stephen Pearcy sounds like shit always and he's hit and miss with the lyrics. RATT live is like a stick in the eye.

I saw them play at their peak in the 80s, and their performance was just as you described then.

Really a shame because I always thought that Warren Di Martini was an excellent guitar player and his talent was truly lost in that band.
You and Crooks are the cranky old women of metal :lol: I swear. You guys don't like ANYTHING. :)

Strange, considering I actually like Into Eternity live. :lol: Crooks is a lot pickier than I am.

BG sucked at those two shows, especially at Jaxx - they had more energy than PPUSA, but played a lot worse. I'm willing to accept that it's not the norm, but it definitely looked like they should be opening for Symphony X instead of the opposite.

People made excuses about how complex the stuff was, but it certainly wasn't any more complex than Therion, who just absolutely crushed me last week.

Leaves' Eyes are just awful live. Not as bad as Ratt, though, who are (and have always been) cover-your-ears-and-run-for-the-door bad.
Linkin Park looked lifeless onstage at Summer Sanitarium a while back. They might has well have been playing in the studio, because it looked like they were laying down tracks. Heck, one guy even had a headset on. Get a life, fellas!:u-huh::zombie::lol:
Linkin Park looked lifeless onstage at Summer Sanitarium a while back. They might has well have been playing in the studio, because it looked like they were laying down tracks. Heck, one guy even had a headset on. Get a life, fellas!:u-huh::zombie::lol:

Yeah, but do you really expect a band who can't perform well in the studio to perform well live?
Sorry... How exactly are IE bad live? Show me a video where they are not incredibly tight live.

Well, they were down a guy or two and the rest were sick, too, but when they played in Atlanta a while back (don't remember when or with whom), they were certainly not very good. I've heard over and over again that they just don't pull it off live--maybe it's the brutal touring schedule they've apparently kept, but the fact is, most people's opinions seem to lean more towards "bad" than "good."
Regarding Ratt-- are these recent performances?

I saw them twice in 1985 and once 87 and they were quite tight, imo.

I saw them 4 times between '84 and around '90. The last couple times it was only because they were touring with another band I really wanted to see. The last time I saw them they had Kix opening (an AWESOME live band!). We only stayed for a couple Ratt songs, made sure they still sucked, and headed for the door.
I will agree with Blind Guardian sucking at progpower 3. Symphony X wasn't that great when I last saw them a few months ago. Russell didn't hit quite a few higher notes and Romeo's sound didn't work, he needs to not use his line6 live anymore(me just being nitpicky). Opeth has owned everytime I have seen them(they are more fun than Dream Theater can be, but i still enjoy dream theater live). Into Eternity was bad at progpower but i understand their situation and can't wait to catch them on the SX tour. I thought Adagio suffered live because the new singer for one didn't have the voice IMHO to sing the old stuff(I love him on the newest disc) and they need a second guitarist live. The last time at progpower Kamelot(khan sang under on a bunch of notes and I think they would do better with a second guitarist live as well. I think mercenary suffers live because Mikael needs to cool off the energy and sing and the drummer doesn't pull everything off live(i am incredibly critical on drummers so deal with it). Last time I saw Angra, the band was incredibly tight and perfect, but I have never been so embarassed for a singer than i was for him, he sounded like so much shit i just couldn't take it anymore.
Gotta chime in here... anyone ever see Toto live? Don't laugh, collectively as a group of musicians and performers able to pull off their albums live, they are in an elite catagory... They are that good live...

I saw them last year and they were unbelievably good. Pretty much nailed everything (including all vocal harmonies)