Hammerfall/Edguy/Into Eternity - 8/17 in Philly

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Into Eternity. My 3rd time seeing Into Eternity and I was still waiting to be impressed. No "new band member" issues. No health issues. No excuses. No thank you. This band just doesn't bring it live. The music was a bit tighter this time around. However, they just can't pull off live, what they do in the studio. As for Stu, (in my opinion) he just can't sing. It's not that I don't like his voice. He just sounds like a complete amateur. To top it off, the band has no stage presence. Made it through two songs and went to have another beer.

Edguy. Edguy blew me away at PPIII and bored me at PPV. Last night was much closer to their PPIII appearance. Great energy. Great sound. Great stage presence. The show started a bit slow, but wrapped up really strong. Both the band and the crowd became more energetic as the night went on. The show closed with "Out of Control", "Vain Glory Opera", "Mandrake" and "King of Fools". Excellent performance.

Hammerfall. Yuck. Blech. Pleh. I really dug Hammerfall's first two CDs, at the time of their release. Time has not treated them well. Their last three releases have been uber generic, boring, dull, by the numbers Euro Power Metal. At this point, it's hard to tell if the band sounds more like a joke or looks more like a joke. Made it through 2.5 songs and headed home.

Let me tell you about Hammerfall at Jaxx. I'm a fan of theirs from when I saw them open for Death some years ago, but this time, it was a fucking trainwreck. The first 2 songs sounded like each member was playing in a different key. The guitars were totally off. And as a drummer, I HATED Mr. Johannsen's playing. It was as if I were the one playing the songs instead of a professional. The fills were beyond basic, the timing was off. Missing the snare beat was covered by cymbal crashes throughout most of the songs. Joacim Cans' singing was not on at all either. When things got tough, he relied on the crowd to "sing it for me now". And then add the fact that Magnus Rosen dressed like a Chippendales dancer with his Silver shirt and the other guitar player looked like he was just out of a gay sex show with his glitter and sleeves.

All in all, this was the worst performance I've ever seen and heard from any European metal band. It was a nightmare and I left after forcing myself to sit through about 6 songs. Honestly, it was like a practice session for the guys. The endings were cut on what appeared to be a non-predetermined note. THe band looked lost and sounded like they had no contact with each other until the very night of the show.

On the plus, Edguy was killer, the opener Engage was strong for an upstart band but I agree of Into Eternity. They are unbearable live.
Damn, Zod, I came on to write a review, but you beat me to it.

I'll add a few points:

* I like but not love IE's "Buried in Oblivion". I thought they were decent at PP. Last night was not good though. It sounded like the muscians were trying to play three different songs at once. The death/high pitch/standard vocals that blend pretty well on the album just clashed live. Not a great set.

* Edguy was awesome. Sammat is great at working a crowd, and the band is just flat out fun. Not serious. Just fun. They played for about 70 minutes.

* I like some of Hammerfall's works, but I was not impressed by them live. Cans has a great voice, but overall they just didn't have any power. I can handle cheese. I loved Manowar and Rhapsody last month (minus Rhapsody's piped in orchestra). HF just came off as . . . tame. Since I had been up at 4:30 am that morning, and was getting up at 4:30 am the NEXT morning, I made it through 4 or 5 songs and called it a night.

* It was great meeting Zod and (the other) Dark One last night. Two cool guys that I look forward to seeing in Atlanta.

Steve in Philly
Could it have been the crappy sound system at the venue? Maybe their stage monitors sucked? I have seen IE 4 times and they keep getting better to me. It might also be that you don't like them too. oh well

I spoke to Adam last night after the show (phone call, I wasn't in Philly) and he said the show sucked. He said there were sound problems, along with other stuff.

It's a shame, the NY show was very good, I wish everyone got to see that specific show, or shows just as good.
Bear said:
Could it have been the crappy sound system at the venue?
No. The venue is awesome. I go see shows there all the time. Edguy sounded fantastic.

Bear said:
Maybe their stage monitors sucked?
Couldn't say. But as I said, this is the 3rd time I've seen them live, and each time they failed to impress.

Bear said:
It might also be that you don't like them too.
I love the last two CDs. Great stuff.

I was there, too. IE is great, but their sound for some reason was in the shitter. They sounded way better att PP last year.

Edguy was great as usual.

HammerFall was excellent. I don't care what anyone says. The Metallica jab was great, too. Heavy metal for heavy metal's sake. So what! HF rocked!
I've been hating on Johannson's drumming for the last five years. The guy sucks.

I want Patrick Rafling back, damnit! Either that or put my drummer up there, cuz he'd put life baack into those lame as hell songs from the last three albums.

We're not even gonna stay to see their first song tomorrow night. You couldn't pay us to sit through Hammerfall again. And I used to love these guys so much, so long ago....
I agree that they had sound problems. IE didn't get a soundcheck and from hanging out backstage, I'm not so sure the tech guy knew what he was doing either. Ask any of the band members and I'm sure they would have agreed; they didn't seem too happy with them. I've heard much better live performances from IE (this was my 4th time seeing them this year). In fact I think they had a better sound when they were all sick during the Amorphis tour. What a shame.
I pretty much agree word for word with Zod on the review. If you're in the mood for a fun power metal band that doesn't take itself too seriously, is extremely comfortable with who they are and brings a high level of energy and showmanship to the table, Edguy is your band. Easily the only performance of the night that made me glad I was in attendance. Well, that and being able to meet Steve (DarkOne) and some other fans as well. Great conversation always makes for a great time even if you aren't blown away by the show.

Zod hit every point I could make on IE, and Hammerfall just seems so damn generic. They also seem like they're constantly trying to get people to take them more seriously than they should. Euro Power Metal is about the fun factor quotient. HF just does not bring any "fun" to the stage - it's a different attitude entirely. Combine that with flat out boring song structures and you have a recipe for a snoozefest.

All in all though, Edguy, Zod & Steve made the show more than worthwhile. :)
Anders Johannson is a good drummer, he just doesn't really seem to get that power metal drumming requires him to expand his repertoire. He drums on Hammerfall albums the way he drummed for Yngwie. It's like putting Neal Schon in Stratovarius. Schon doesn't suck, he's one of the best rock guitar players ever, but unless he adjusted to the new style, it would be lame as all get out.

I read an interview with him by metal-rules.com, and it's pretty clear that unlike his brother, Anders just doesn't "get" the power metal scene. It's just a job and he's punching the clock every day, nothing more.
adaher said:
Anders Johannson is a good drummer, he just doesn't really seem to get that power metal drumming requires him to expand his repertoire. He drums on Hammerfall albums the way he drummed for Yngwie.
Patrick was the engine that made this band go. His drumming gave their songs energy. Though, I don't think their downfall is entirely due to Patrick's departure. This is a band whose only goal is to sell more CDs and play bigger venues. To do that, your songs must reach the widest audience possible (aka, be generic). They've accomplished that goal.

Petethedrummer said:
The reason edguy sounded awesome is because they have their own sound guy touring with them, while into eternity, i'm assuming, used the sound guy provided by the venue.

Spoke to I.E. before the the show and they were stressing over not getting a sound check due to that other warm-up band going on before them.
I was at the NY show too and they definitely were tighter and had better sound at B.B. Kings. Too bad the stage was so small they could hardly move. Stu couldn't take 2 steps back without sitting on Adam's drums.

The sound in Philly did drift out of synch now and then, especially the vocals and then there was that annoying mike feedback. At one point Tim went over and yelled at some crew guy and it finally stopped. Still, I think this band isn't given fair credit in this forum. They always put on an energized performance and I love Rob and Tim's guitar solos. I think their stage presence is great for the type of music they play. They can't be doing the same antics as Sammet. It would just be silly. Well, there's my opinion on them. :Smug:

Edguy put on a great show both nights. No argument there.

Hammerfall, though not technically awesome in any way, was fun to listen to. I like their goofy outfits and their crowd interaction and I like getting back to that 80's style once in a while and the cheese-factor is minimal and kind of fun in my opinion. I don't find them nearly as over-the-top as Manowar. Did an interview with Joacim before the show. Asked to compare the two bands and his answer was simple, "We wear more clothes." :grin:

Overall it was just a fun night. Glad I can tone down the music critic in me once in awhile and just have a good time. :rock:
Got some great photos too. Will get them up this weekend and post the link.
AMBR said:
Still, I think this band isn't given fair credit in this forum.
Credit for what? I don't think I've read any negative comments about their CD. If the credit you're expecting is for their live performances, then you have to consider that most of the feedback in this forum would be based on their ProgPower performance, which even their most ardent fans have described as lackluster.

AMBR said:
I think their stage presence is great for the type of music they play. They can't be doing the same antics as Sammet. It would just be silly.
They barely move from the spot they start off in. I'm not sure how that qualifies as "energized". If you feel comparing them to Edguy, in terms of stage energy is unfair, than pick a band more comprable. How about Nevermore? Compared to Nevermore, Into Eternity is down right statuesque on stage.

Let me be very clear on something; I love Into Eternity's music. "Buried in Oblivion" was in my Top 5 for 2004. And believe me when I say, I want them to kick my ass live. Nothing would make me happier, than to have walked away from Wednesday's show saying, "Into Eternity f**king slayed!". However, I've now seen them three times, and each time it's been a different excuse. At what point is it fair to say, that more often than not, they aren't good live?

"Anders Johannson is a good drummer, he just doesn't really seem to get that power metal drumming requires him to expand his repertoire. He drums on Hammerfall albums the way he drummed for Yngwie. It's like putting Neal Schon in Stratovarius. Schon doesn't suck, he's one of the best rock guitar players ever, but unless he adjusted to the new style, it would be lame as all get out.

I read an interview with him by metal-rules.com, and it's pretty clear that unlike his brother, Anders just doesn't "get" the power metal scene. It's just a job and he's punching the clock every day, nothing more."

ARRRRGGH!!! THAT'S EXACTLY MY POINT!!! I know three drummers who could tear the shit out of Hammerfall's songs and make them rock again! Why does Hammerfall 'settle' for such an unfitting drummer? Why can't they get a guy who really would do the band some justice????
Well, you can't underestimate band chemistry. I'm sure that if Tobia Sammet wanted, he could get two super shredding guitarists, but it would totally screw up the band's chemistry. Haven't they been together since high school?

Hammerfall probably hired Johannson because he fit in with the band. That being said, he's more than capable of doing a better job and I'm surprised the Hammerfall guys haven't tried to get him drumming with more energy.

The only point where I disagree with Zod is on the songs. They don't seem to be shooting for simple, so much as the songs just don't have the same energy or hooks that the first two albums did. People used to rag on Stratovarius for doing the same old thing from Fourth Dimension to Infinite, but there was no real drop off in quality. Personally, I think each album during that period was slightly better than the last.

Edguy as well doesn't change their sound much, but they are so darn infectious and catchy, who cares? Hammerfall could have been that kind of band, but instead they seem to be out of ideas. Three albums ago.