Bands who you once loved, that you now hate...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Name the bands whose music once set your soul on fire, who you'd now like to set on fire.

For me, it's Queensryche and Metallica. Quite possibly the two best, most unique bands of the 80s. Both are now soulless whores, who are shells of their former selves.

Any band I hate now wasn't worth loving to begin with honestly.

I don't hate bands like Metallica, I'm thankful they released some great stuff in the 80s, I just think their current stuff sucks.
Well, I used to like Slipknot a lot...then I grew up and didn't feel the need to throw tantrums at every passing thing, and also bought some better albums :)
you cant hate a band you loved, you may just ignore it, or not caring about its current releases
Queensryche being mediocre now (but they arent mediocre) doesnt make their whole discography like that
And i think that "Tribe" is a fantastic album.
Exactly what IoftheStorm said. I don't hate Opeth, Katatonia, and In Flames (well, maybe a little). I just hate what they've become which is boring musicians. I still enjoy their early works, though. So what if I think a bunch of drunken chimps could create more interesting music than their recent outputs.
I think if you still enjoy a band's early work... such as Queensryche... then you can't hate the band... you can hate what they've become... but still be thankful for what they created at one time.

I think Ayeka's example of liking Slipknot at one time is a better example.... a band she liked at one time until her tastes shifted and she realized they sucked.

For me... I guess Blind Guardian would be a good example. I used to love them about 4 years ago... and then I gradually got into other things and starting getting sick of Blind Guardian. Now I can't listen to Hansi's Def-Lepperd-esque multi-tracked vocals and the 75 tracks of super-trebly Brian-May-worship guitar without wanting to destroy something expensive.

Other bands:

Gamma Ray

I guess my tastes just shifted out of that type of power metal. I still enjoy some power metal... just not most of the bands regarded as the cornerstones of modern power metal.
NicodemiX said:
I used to love Iced Earth when I was getting into metal, but now they've gone astray from the path of heterosexuality, and that's just gay.
Ah, that's another band I used to love... and though I probably wouldn't say I hate them (though I do think Schaffer is a xenophobic moron), I am rather indifferent to their music now. Iced Earth almost seems to be one of those "entry-level" bands... good for when you're just discovering metal... but not worth much once you advance beyond that period.
I feel that way about several bands....I still love what they did back in the day, but their recent endeavors don't strike me as fruitful.

Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, and Samael are a few examples. It makes me worry, is there a stage when musicians just "go stale?" :erk:

All 3 of these bands influenced my playing style, but ...

ol sonuf said:
Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, and Samael are a few examples. It makes me worry, is there a stage when musicians just "go stale?" :erk:

All 3 of these bands influenced my playing style, but ...

Well, with Iron Maiden the problem was called "Blaze Bailey and Janick Gers". Granted, Brave New World and Dance of Death are no Powerslaves or Beasts, but there is a significant return to form since Bruce and Adrian came back into the mix.

And I always thought all Iced Earth albums were identical. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Well, with Iron Maiden the problem was called "Blaze Bailey and Janick Gers".
Although I agree that these were major problems... I think the biggest problem was stale songwriting by Steve Harris.