Bands with multiple lead vocalists. Help, please?

Purveyor Of Evil

Heavy Metal, INC.
Mar 17, 2003
Hughestown, PA.
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I would love to know about more metal bands who use more than one lead vocalist. I mean during the course of an entire song, not one singer singing a song then another singing a song. I know a few bands like INTO ETERNITY, ARWEN, SIEGFRIED, and one or two more whose names escape me. Thanx for the help!
Blind Stare
Inner Shrine
Mostly Autumn (probably not the type of band you're looking for)
New Fairyland disc has a few singers on it though not much mixing up of the singers within songs.
One of my favorite discs of all time:

Payne's Gray- Kadath Decoded (One German vocalist, one Turkish vocalist that sing in harmony, not alternating songs or verses).
How about VISIONS OF ATLANTIS Female Lead (Melissia) and Male Lead (Mario Plank), excellent combination. Also i have to second Mike's reccommendation of Beyond Twilight there are 3 leads and hehehehehe Mike himself is one.
I would love to know about more metal bands who use more than one lead vocalist. I mean during the course of an entire song, not one singer singing a song then another singing a song. I know a few bands like INTO ETERNITY, ARWEN, SIEGFRIED, and one or two more whose names escape me. Thanx for the help!

Venturia is another band with two singers, male and female. More prog metal than power metal, but its a great CD.

The new Adagio also has Forte doing death vocals over Gus's vocal work. Also pretty good.