Asking the Board for Help

You chose wisely. Forget the other 2 bands, and go ahead and snag Firewinds back catalog!

I heard the new Heavenly, and it reminded me of a lullaby!

New Tarot was decent, but I dont hear anything in the vocal department that makes me wanna come back to it.

Lol.. I instantly thought Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when I read that. Someone should photoshop a scene with the grail to a Firewind CD.
I totally love Marco's voice. He might not be the most technically profficient singer ever, but he is certainly unique, and I personally hold the more unique singers in higher regard than the more technically-sound-yet-bland ones. The unique ones are the ones that get remembered the most anyway. Just look at Lemmy :D
I'd have to agree with Braxil on this one. While Apollo is indeed a very skilled vocalist, to me he just sounds like another dime-a-dozen balls-in-a-vicegrip power metal singer, whereas Marco was a roughness and edge to his voice that makes his vocals more unique and enjoyable to me.

couldn't have said it any better!! :rock: :rock:
So get the 3rd one to alter your vote! ;)

Good suggestion. But I don't know if it would change my vote. Firewind just blew me away when I listened to it. But I will see if its available via the normal method that I use :kickass:


Listening to some samples from the album. Sounds pretty darn good.. I'd put it above Heavenly but below Firewind. Some nice power though! Really strong and "crunchy" (quoting Glenn)