bands with sick musicians???

yea mutant i really really liked aetheist!!! I haven't been able to buy their songs yet because the credit card i'm using (my mom's) has recently expired, and she's unavailable to give me her new one, so it's either i dl them illegally (which i'd rather not do) or wait a little bit.

And Opeth seemed to me like a good choice, but there are so many differennt songs and albums that I wouldn't know which songs and albums are their heaviest, and i basically only like heavy, lol.
yea mutant i really really liked aetheist!!! I haven't been able to buy their songs yet because the credit card i'm using (my mom's) has recently expired, and she's unavailable to give me her new one, so it's either i dl them illegally (which i'd rather not do) or wait a little bit.

And Opeth seemed to me like a good choice, but there are so many differennt songs and albums that I wouldn't know which songs and albums are their heaviest, and i basically only like heavy, lol.

Opeth - Blackwater Park and Deliverance are probably the heaviest albums.
lol i love how everyone just leaps on the opportunity to make a joke suggestion because they "believe" that i meant "physically sick" lmfao. Thanks for the humorous responses, haha.

And thanks for the three album recommendation guys. I will definitely check them out soon. But right now i've got to get those college applications out, haha. Still haven't done that yet ;-)

Thanks guys.
Recommendations? for sure, got lots:

Technical Death Metal/Progressive:

Theory In Practice
Lykathea Aflame

Other bands with great musicians:

Windham Hell
Quo Vadis
Spiral Architect
Zero Hour
Spastic Ink
Soilwork (early stuff)
Intestine Baalism
Symphony X
Into Eternity
Dream Theater/Liquid Tension Experiment
Time Requiem
Planet X
Rusty Cooley (guitar album)
Jeff Loomis (guitar album)

*brain damage*

Hope that helps.

Edit: In the technical death metal section check only the first 4 out. I didn't notice 'til now that you didn't want guttural vocals.

Haha, I was going to post then I saw this thread. There are some bands on here I would have left out, but it looks like a pretty solid list. I would like to add...

Spastic Ink
Blotted Science
Ron Jarzombek (solo album)
Fates Warning
The Faceless
Spawn of Possession
Behold The Arctopus/Indricothere (taxing to listen to, but unique players)
Yngwie Malmsteen
Children of Bodom
Johansson ("The Last Viking" album)
On the Virg
Tony MacAlpine
Vinnie Moore
Vitalij Kupri

A lot of the stuff being brought up is instrumental, but I'm only posting metal tinged stuff. Long lists are crazy anyways. It would take you years to get around to all this stuff, & this is nowhere near everything up your alley.
the only two bands on your list i've heard of is firewind and children of bodom, although i've never heard anything they've ever made. Firewind, however, is a beast, and i completely forgot to mention that they, too are on my ipod :D Well, at least one of their albums is, haha.

Anyways, thanks for that list. Basically what i've been doing so far is going onto itunes and sampling some of the "top songs" of each band listed so far, and if i can't find them on itunes, i find them on either, or youtube. I've definitely listened to A LOT of music so far these past couple days :D lol. But i've definitely heard a lot of great music, and a lot of music that doesn't appeal to me. So far, i've only got about two or three new albums, and i think that's just great!!!! The last time i got an album was like, 3 or 4 years ago! Either way, I'm definitely very very thankful for all of your guys help so far. I've still got a lot to sift through, and a lot of gift cards to spend on more music. thanks for all the suggestions, guys, i definitely seriously like my new music on my ipod :lol:
death metal:
(late)vital remains
decrepit birth
son of aurelius
dismal lapse
visceral bleeding

neoclassical shred:
george bellas
matt mills
theo zirus
shinderhizzle84 is on cocaine or something.

Anyway Death, especially the later stuff, the vocals are really "screamy" .

Kailash is a pretty tight progressive band with jazz/blues overtones and amazing drumming, if you don't mind long songs, they can also kind of monotonous after a while. Still a great band.

Dark Tranquillity - the Gallery has intense riffs and the musicianship and composition is amazing, no long, balls out soloing though.
It's not really a legit response, though, Deron. The dude who started this thread doesn't post here anymore and there's really no reason to keep recommendation threads open if they get to the second/third page. I get that other people might be looking for similar stuff, though, so maybe that's the point in keeping 'em open?