Bands you use to love, who you're losing/lost interest in...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
This isn't intended as a thread to bash bands. Nor is it a thread to defend the bands that others are losing interest in. It's more about two things...

1. the evolving tastes of the listener
2. the perceived decline/style change of a given band.

In no particular order...

Evergrey - for me, I suspect this is about two things. First, their change in direction doesn't appeal to me. Second, when I saw them at Jaxx, they were so drunk, they could barely stand. I lost a bit of respect for them that night. Their last disc, was the first disc of theirs, that I chose not purchase.

Symphony X - although I think the new disc is good/very good, I don't like the fact that they're growing heavier with each release. I understand they need to make a living, and that playing Power Metal sells more t-shirts than playing Prog Metal. However, it's just not what I want from them.

Dark Tranquillity - although most everything they do, they put their heart and soul into, they're becoming monotonous. Their last disc, was the first disc of theirs, that I chose not purchase.

Soilwork - they continue to grow more and more melodic (e.g. softer). Although there's still moments where you see flashes of their roots, the shift in direction seems like a deliberate ploy to sell more tix/CDs/t-shirts. Their last disc, was the first disc of theirs, I chose not purchase.

Opeth - Deliverance was sub-par, Damnation was disappointing, and Ghost Reveries was flat out awful. While I think it's somewhat likely that Mikael will eventually drift back into a creative head space that appeals to me, Opeth is no longer a blind buy for me.

Kamelot - this is a band that really needs to shake things up. When I heard the new CD for the first time, I could easily predict chnage before it happened. No longer a blind buy for me.

Again, I'm not bashing these bands. Just making conversation. If you thought that Soilwork's last CD was a the shit, and that I'm crazy for not loving it, that isn't what we're talking about. Any of these bands could release a CD that may end up in my Top 10. Just making conversation.

Iced Earth - Something Wicked was the begining of the end...
Overkill - Downhill since Necroshine
Nevermore - Last really good album was Dead Heart...
Cemetary - Seriously, has anyone heard Phantasma...?
Paradise Lost - Climaxed at Draconian Times
Dream Theater - Haven't been able to get into anything since Scenes From a Memory
Type O Negative - Everything after Bloody Kisses sounds erily similar.
Sonata Arctica - Last few albums haven't had the same punch.
Running Wild - The only album that really stands out to me is Black Hand Inn and since that is the first one I had...

With all the above being said, I still have and listen to all the bands and albums in question.

NP: Desultory - Swallow The Snake
for this, we'll be getting into the 'way back' machine...

DIO completely lost me after Lock Up the Wolves. I just don't get where he's going with the music any longer. *shrug* There was a time I could depend on him to write incredibly epic songs and great, catchy headbanging songs... but for the past 15 years he's had me scratching my head with every new release.

AC/DC - same thing happened around the 'Blow Up Your Video' album. After that they were just never the same to me anymore. And they are the band I attribute to making me a hard rock/heavy metal fan.

Iron Maiden lost me with Dickinson's departure. His return did nothing for me. But the latest album does have some roots in the 'Powerslave/SiT' era. I am liking what I hear on it.

Queensryche - I do not own anything past 'Empire' except the weak attempt at the O:MII, which has gotten all of one spin from me.

and don't even get me started on the Metallica 'Load-of crap' era. :ill:

Megadeth lost me at Cryptic Writings... but their latest has piqued my interest again.

more thoughts later I am sure...
Edguy - Lame cock rock isn't any better the 2nd time around.

Opeth - Still a great band, but the "wow" feeling of my first hearing them and seeing them has not stood the test of time.

Blind Guardian - Again, great band of course. The last two didn't do much for me.
Iced Earth - I still somewhat like them, but I don't care much for their latest. Their previous disc TGB didn't have a lot of staying power for me either. I like that early Barlow period the best .. Burnt Offerings, and The Dark Saga are my two favorites by a good stretch.

Queensryche - This is obvious ... they haven't put out anything of quality in over a decade.

Iron Maiden - I still like them, but I was never compelled to really give their latest disc much of a chance. I also thought Dance Of Death was so-so. The last one I really liked was Brave New World.

Rage - I really liked Unity, and Soundchaser, but their latest disc with the symphony stunk.

Ani diFranco - I just can't get into her newer material as much. Lacks vibe.
Tori Amos - The same. She doesn't have the power, energy, and heaviness that she used to.
Megadeth - Countdown was the first CD I ever owned. Latest stuff is so muddled with vocals that I can't take it for too long.
This isn't intended as a thread to bash bands. Nor is it a thread to defend the bands that others are losing interest in. It's more about two things...

1. the evolving tastes of the listener
2. the perceived decline/style change of a given band.

Symphony X - although I think the new disc is good/very good, I don't like the fact that they're growing heavier with each release. I understand they need to make a living, and that playing Power Metal sells more t-shirts than playing Prog Metal. However, it's just not what I want from them.

Kamelot - this is a band that really needs to shake things up. When I heard the new CD for the first time, I could easily predict chnage before it happened. No longer a blind buy for me.


I agree 100% on Kamelot. The magic is gone (for now). This will not be a blind buy for me in the future.

Although I undestand what your saying about Symphony X. They are still the most consistent band going and have yet to put out the Q2K that other bands have. I do agree that I would rather have the more prog version of SX though.

Two other I can think of for me would be:

Labyrinth- What the hell was up with that last album? The one before it was even a bit of a let down but damn, this last one is crap.

Manowar - What the hell was up with that last album? The one before it was even a bit of a let down but damn, this last one is crap.

Although I can't yet put this last entry into the total loss category, I am prob' not going to be blindly buying any future Edguy. Sorry Toby.............
What I find just as interesting is seeing how many specific members I can guess will post in this thread (including Zod). I'm batting .500 so far.

By this, I assume you mean some posters are more vocal than others about their disappointment with certain bands.

Not sure what you are trying to get at though.

As fans who purchase albums and tickets for bands, we have every right to voice an opinion about a band we may have lost interest in.
Evergrey - Here we go... their last album is horrible. I haven't listened to them at all since last year's ProgPower (I think the long-ass show exhausted my Evergrey love to the extreme), and the change in their attitude made me completely lose interest in the band. I hope they come up with a great album next though. However, until then, this ex-favorite band of mine will remain silent (at least in my speakers at home).

Rhapsody - Let's be fair here... They released great, good and okay albums. That's up until Power of the Dragonflame. Whatever they put out afterwards is purely shit (except for maybe a third of the last album). They really need to wake up and work on music that's good. Can't stand their self-recycling anymore.

Iron Maiden - Nothing they put out since Brave New World is even worth checking out. Let the flaming begin.

Queensryche - It's been what, 15 years since their last decent album was released?

Edguy - What's so great about Edguy nowadays? Rocket Ride is boring, Hellfire Club is still one of my favorite albums of all time. What happened, Tobi???

Children of Bodom -

Dragonforce - No need to say a word.
I don't really know if I qualify to post in this thread, because I don't listen to much music at all anymore (in fact, I've only bought 4 albums from 2007!).

I agree on Soilwork, but for me, they're not becoming more melodic... just more standard metal-core-y. Their old stuff stands out among the crowd... their new stuff just sounds like every other band in their style.

Helloween - after The Dark Ride and letting go of the Masterplan guys, they have failed to release an album that interests me in the least.

Blind Guardian - they take too long between albums, plus the last album I liked at all was Nightfall in Middle Earth, and that was a major step down from Imaginations, for me.

Dream Theater - downhill since Awake. SFAM is one of the most overrated discs I actually still own.

Steel Prophet - they went from being one of the premier traditional American bands, to being a parody of themselves and the 80s. I've heard that Steve has gotten some of the original members back and is planning to take the band "back to its roots", but I don't know how much of that is rumor vs. fact, and I don't know how much I'm actually going to care, if/when it happens.

Iron Maiden, for the same reasons Hoyt listed.

I'm tempted to put Iron Savior in this category ("losing" interest, but not "lost" interest, because I'm still psyched to see them play the fest), but I haven't checked out the new disc yet. Their best album for me is their godly s/t disc, but they've been releasing that same album over and over again, and I can't bring myself to buy another copy. ;)

I'm also tempted to put Gamma Ray here... the last GREAT album for them was Somewhere Out in Space, and the last one I liked was Powerplant. I started losing interest when they went all Priest-y. Haven't heard the new one yet. Wait... sonovabitch! I haven't heard the last TWO.
Pain of Salvation - BE was half and half for me. Scarsick is not my particular brand of vodka.

Dream Theater - I don't hate the new stuff, but I NEVER listen to it. I had negative desire to catch them on their recent tour.

SX - I listen to them frequently, but it's typically Damnation Game, and seldom anything past Twilight. Their live performances are have truly lost me.

Radiohead - Not metal, and I actually lost interest eons ago. But nevertheless, a band I onced loved. Now, their music is what I'd expect to hear in my head if I got a fucking labotomy.
No, I am referring to specific posters such as yourself. I simply mean that I have watched patterns and can tell you already whose taste is moving on from the standard prog/power scene based on prior posts.

It's interesting (well, relatively speaking). Though I have less interest in Prog and Power, it still makes up a significant portion of my Top 10 every year. I suspect because I'm older, I have less interest in generic Prog and Power bands (which make up 99% of any genre), because I've been listening to these genres for so long. However, the stand out CDs in the Prog/Power genre, which are those more likely to make a Top 10 list, still resonate with me very strongly.

So, while I currently have more interest in second tier Extreme Metal bands than I do second tier Prog and Power bands, I still have an equal amount of interest in the top tier bands, regardless of genre.

Did that make sense to anyone but me? :loco:

Most, if not all, of what follows has already been covered previously but...

Edguy - Teetering on the edge a bit because their last release ("Rocket Ride"), in my opinion, was an absolute abomination. I've enjoyed all their albums prior to that one but good Lord was that last one awful. I don't think I could blindly buy their forthcoming release (whenever that will be) without at least hearing some of the tracks first.

Metallica - I've had no interest in them whatsoever since "...And Justice For All". Prior to and including that release, however, Metallica could do no wrong. Can they ever do anything right again?

Altaria - I know they have precious few releases to date but after their first one (yeah, I know lots of people probably hated that one too) whatever momentum they might have had seemed to grind to a halt. Blame it on line-up changes perhaps? I liked them but now I guess I just don't anymore. Damn it.

Evergrey - Similar to Edguy in that I liked everything up until their last release and then.......what happened?? I think I would have to check out their forthcoming offering prior to purchasing it. I still really want to see this band in a live setting one day as many of you have already. Hopefully they won't drink too much until AFTER they perform though....

The Gathering - Anything post "If - Then - Else" just didn't do it for me and now that Anneke has left.........yikes! I don't want to shovel dirt on them yet but.....

Helloween - They're hit and miss with me now and have been for a long, long time. I will buy nothing from them without checking it out in advance. When they're good they're really good. But when they're not? Ugh.....

Yngwie Malmsteen - Okay, I know I face eternal damnation for this but I have to be honest. I just don't care about his new releases. I haven't in some time. Now will I go see him perform live? Hell yes! He is still pretty amazing to watch and I enjoy seeing him live. But his last several releases have just reused the same formula over and over and over ad nauseum. I don't get excited at all when he releases a new album. Only going to the concert interests me these days.

Stratovarius - I'm giving these guys the benefit of the doubt here but I at least have to put them in the "proceed with caution" category. I like a tremendous body of their work, old and new. But that last album was horrific. It did to me what Edguy's "Rocket Ride" did to me. Ouch! Now I know there was an incredible amount of internal strife within Statovarius that probably influenced the direction of their latest work so I'm holding out hope that is not a direction they intend to continue on any forthcoming release.
Yngwie Malmsteen - Okay, I know I face eternal damnation for this but I have to be honest. I just don't care about his new releases. I haven't in some time. Now will I go see him perform live? Hell yes! He is still pretty amazing to watch and I enjoy seeing him live. But his last several releases have just reused the same formula over and over and over ad nauseum. I don't get excited at all when he releases a new album. Only going to the concert interests me these days.

I'd go exactly the opposite on this one: I would pick up the new studio releases (although it would not be a "rush to the store" purchase), but I could care less if I ever saw him live again. He is still playing the exact same concert as he did 25 years ago, with simply changing out songs from the latest album. You are guaranteed to see the exact same self-indulgent guitar solo, with the same lame stage tracks in place of musicianship. The guy is a great guitarist, and a hell of a showman, but his live show certainly does not contain any originality whatsoever.