Bands you use to love, who you're losing/lost interest in...

Dream Theater-I liked 1 out of 4 of their last 4 releases. Every album they did in the past had a different sound musically and production wise. Now everything seems kind of bland and samey sounding to me. Hard to justify calling them my favourite band these days.

Helloween-I liked Master of the Rings and Better than Raw, but everything else with Deris sucks the big one

Gamma Ray-Dropped after Hansen took over vocals, just dont like him singing.
Gotten tired of:
Kamelot - Once one of my favorite bands, I now find any album other than The Fourth Legacy to be horribly disjointed and inconsistent. I also cannot stand the stylistic direction of the last two albums.
Rhapsody - I really enjoyed their earlier albums, and the new ones aren't all that bad, I just find myself never wanting to listen to these guys anymore.
Symphony X - I can't exactly put my finger on why, but I almost never listen to these guys, and I have enjoyed their catalog pretty consistently.

Worried about in the future:
Stratovarius - I don't expect their next album to be as terrible as their last one, but I don't expect it to be that good either.
Hate to say it, but I agree with you on these bands and they've been some of my favorites. I tried to get in to the "new" Kamelot, but I just never seem to be in the mood. Seems disjointed and too stylistic to me too.
I have been an enormous Symphony X fan since the beginning, but I find myself almost never listening to them anymore. Maybe I wore them out. I don't know why, but the last CD left me flat. Just seems like a collection of previous passages from other albums put together in a different way and Russ's voice sounds like he needs to clear his throat on a number of tracks. I find myself trying to do it for him. :lol:
Definitely worried about Strato. I like a couple of tracks from their last CD, but there just doesn't seem to be much going on with them lately. Supposedly the next album is in the works but it seems Timo's side project has pushed it on to the back burner.
Gotten tired of:

Edguy kind of fits in this category for me. They are wicked fun live and I can listen to some of the older albums and remember how much fun I had at the show, but they are not one I pick when choosing my daily CDs.

Worried about in the future:

Sonata Arctica - I enjoyed Unia but it didn't have any of the catchiness or hooks of their previous stuff
Same here. While I always have a good time at an Edguy performance, I just don't listen to their CD's anymore and Unia is just very recycled to my ears. I occasionally listen to some of the earlier SA CD's but their in the bottom of the pile. Still, I'll go see them on this next tour.
Kotipelto - I know this is a side project, but "Serenity" is almost unlistenable. Maybe Timo is in the downside of his career. Hope the new Strato album is not as bad as this.
Funny, that's one of my "most listened to " CD's of this year. Not for it's innovation (none) or metal-ness (minimal) but ease of listening. Good driving music for NJ. If I listen to Brainstorm or Mecenary I tend to cut more people off.

What are you referring to? I am a huge fan of these guys, and have not heard a thing. This would be a HUGE shame if they called it quits!
Hate to tell ya, dude, they be done.

I couldn't agree more and that had nothing to do with my original post.

It's practically impossible to post on this forum w/o someone, somehow, finding a way to interpret/twist even the most innocent post into, an "order" to live their life a certain way, an insult to their personal tastes, or virtually anything else they want to get pissed off about -- like they are looking for any excuse to get angry and upset. Maybe it has something to do with the angst of the teenage years. This forum would be a great place to conduct some kind of cultural anthropology research on irrational human behavior/reaction.
I've made room for new bands where old favorites existed, and gotten tired of some with no desire to listen to them much at all anymore regardless of new releases or not. Im not gonna say much on why or how but I will list the bands and say that Im assuming my tastes have just changed as I've matured musically.

Steel Prophet
Seven Witches

This is my exception because I know if I don't explain myself I might risk getting crucified or something. :loco:

Iced Earth is leaning back and forth with me, though Im still doing my best to get use to the Ripper vocals with the awesome IE sound. I'll never stop being a fan, because I love the music; and I love Ripper's voice, but it still won't change the fact that I don't like it with IE's music. maybe Im just stubborn.
DragonForce - I really liked these guys. Then I started to realize how generic all of it is. I can't really listen to any more than the Valley of the Damned album all the way through.

Dimmu Borgir was in this category, because whereas I love For All Tid and Stormblast, after that, while the material was enjoyable, it was continuously going downhill. In Sorte Diaboli was their saving grace as far as I'm concerned.

I have no interest in Skid Row past their first two albums. None whatsoever.

Guns N' Roses are another band I have no interest in these days. Their old stuff was something I still enjoy, but I'll never put another penny into supporting Axl n' Pals. Besides, Chinese Democracy will actually happen before that friggen album comes out...

Metallica goes without explanation.

Ozzy is in this realm these days, too. He'll never top Diary Of A Madman, and I've accepted that - but Black Rain wasn't even an Ozzy album, it was Black Label Society with Ozzy on vocals...
Interestingly, I agree with a lot that people have posted here and there.
Bands I used to love, and the albums where the loss of interest started.

In Flames - Everything after Clayman
Soilwork - Everything after Figure Number Five
Cradle of Filth - everything after Cruelty & The Beast
Rage - Everything after Thirteen
Sepultura - Everything after Arise
Opeth - Everything after Still Life
Anthrax - Everything after the first John Bush album
The entire progressive genre has taken a step back in recent years.I've been a fan of the genre since Watchtower "Control and Resistance",but the output has drifted into almost nothing worth rooting for in the past two years.Dream Theater just rehashes the same shit over and over again,Fates Warning continue to release a cd every 5 years,P.O.S. has failed to ignite anything interesting in the last 3 releases,and most newer prog bands are not at the head of their class yet.Circus Maximus recently put out a mediocre disc,but still have potential,Pathosray has untapped potential,Sieges Even returned with an awesome disc,followed by the same disc 2 years later.
The genre is fading right now and I've noticed that I save a lot more money than I used to
Iced Earth- well, it's been happening for a while. the real kicker for me was still when Barlow left.

Dream Evil- they were awesome. the topics were cheesy, but i thought the musicianship was very good. gus g was awesome, ovbiously. snowy shaw was a great drummer, and niklas has one of my favorite voices and vocal deliveries ever. but their last album...nothing compared to me. it made me grow bored of em. snowy and gus are gone too- maybe that has an impact

Gamma Ray- not sure why, just most is uninteresting except the first album or two i got from them.

Stratovarius- i still love them, but i cant just put them on whenever like i used to. their most recent album also was...

Nightwish- is not much to say. a good song or two on the most recent, but i aboslutely hate the changes that have been made. marks first time i gave tickets to a concert away.

what do you know- all power well, basically. i still hold some of my close PM"classified bands i will always love (blind guardian, falconer, sonata)...that wont change. but overall being obsessed with power metal started to change and was only heightened at the dissapointment ive had from alot of the recent power albums.
I don’t know that I’ve *completely* lost interest in any band…once I fall in love with a band, I usually can’t keep myself from buying any and all new releases. :erk:

However, bands that I used to be EXTREMELY passionate about whose more recent releases haven’t really excited me include Queensryche, Dream Theater, and Fates Warning. Also, not metal…but Styx would fall into that category as well.
For me it has to be RHAPSODY, STRATOVARIOS< KAMELOT These were the 3 bands, who back in 2000 swung me back into the metal scene, at the time i was really into The 60's and 70's music (Allman Brothers and such).

I loved all 3 of these bands and bought every CD i could find by them, but alas they all started to sound the same and i lost interest in all of them except KAMELOT who held my attention until after "The BLack Halo".
For me it has to be RHAPSODY, STRATOVARIOS< KAMELOT These were the 3 bands, who back in 2000 swung me back into the metal scene, at the time i was really into The 60's and 70's music (Allman Brothers and such).

I loved all 3 of these bands and bought every CD i could find by them, but alas they all started to sound the same and i lost interest in all of them except KAMELOT who held my attention until after "The BLack Halo".

Allman Brothers \m/
Wow, I'm going to have to agree with almost everything already mentioned in here. As for my musical tastes, power metal got me into the scene, but I've gradually evolved into more progressive music. But anyways....

1. Stratovarius: You guys have two great albums, Destiny and Visions and follow them up with Infinity (which wasn't to bad) and then Elements.... and then the self titled that wasn't even worthy of having the name Stratovarius tagged to it. If their new release falters, I'm afraid thats the end of them.

2. Edguy: Hellfire Club is one of the hardest, raunchiest power metal albums I've ever heard. Absolutely great. Rocket Ride? Is this even metal? Judging by Tobi's new look and new sound with the new Avantasia material, I'm afraid Edguy's leader may be heading in a new direction.

3. Kamelot: The Black Halo = great. Yet, I have no emotional attachment to the highly anticipated Ghost Opera. Hopefully they can turn it around.


4. Angra: Rebirth, Hunters EP, Temple of Shadows are all great pieces. Aurora Consergens has its ups and downs, but simply couldn't compete with their recent releases. Hopefully everyone's solo initiatives don't interfere with the band itself (Kiko releases two albums, Almah by Falaschi, Freakeys by the session keyboardist, Hangar's new album by the drummer).
Not recently no. I don't think of it as a bad album, and I do like the song bleak, but overall I don't like the vibe of that album and the ones after it.

So, it sounds like you're disenchanted with Steve Wilson's influence on Opeth, since that's the big sea-change taking place with BWP. And that's fair; I know other Opeth fans who feel similarly.

For the record, I was disappointed with Deliverance -- I think working on two CDs simultaneously may have diluted it -- but I really like Ghost Reveries, with "Baying of the Hounds" being my fave from it.
This is an interesting thread to say the least...

Dream Theater - This band is my number one pick for this topic. They have never been able to out shine "Awake" for me. "Scenes From a Memory" is good, but otherwise I've lost interest in this band. I no longer will ever buy anything blind from them again.........ever! "Systematic Chaos" and "Octavarium" are beyond boring to me.


By the way, I can't ever imagine me turning my back on Edguy, as long as the original members stay together that is.
In Flames - Whatever happened to this band?, I will never know. But they seem to have totally forgotten how to write a good song. And the less said about Anders Friden the better. I went from loving everything this band did to absolutely loathing the last 2 albums.

Sepultura - I used to be a huge fan of this band, up until Chaos AD, then something changed in their sound, then Max left. I tried liking the last 3 or so albums with the new singer but there is just no inspiration left in the well.

I will add some more as I remember them.
The guy is a great guitarist, and a hell of a showman, but his live show certainly does not contain any originality whatsoever.

Yngwie in most respects made this style his own. Are you saying that he has no originality because you have grown tired of the style he created? Keep in mind when I say style I'm not only talking about technical proficiency, I'm talking about the whole package.