Personally I don't agree with how the term Power Metal is used these days. I don't see bands like Helloween and Rhapsody as being power metal. They are speed metal in my book (mostly fast tempo). Power metal has larger range of tempos (mid-to-fast) with plenty of crunching riffs. When I think (strictly) power metal, I think Tad Morose, (old) Iced Earth, Morgana Lefay, Brainstorm, etc.
I don't care much for speed metal. Never did. There is a certain point where speed and repetition ceases to be melody and just becomes noise. At which point, they've gone too far IMO. Also, I like varied tempos to my music. My faves are bands that blend prog, power, tempo and influences: Ayreon, Evergrey, Orphaned Land, Wuthering Heights, Therion, etc.