Bane. techno/metal/melodic.


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
i wanted to get that sound as meshuggah described as "an oil tanker dragged across cement". not sure how close i got, but i tried. I had a louder master, and it had more massive low end. but the resulting squishing lost the groove. i kinda like the guitar sounds on here, but i traded beefy guitars for the big low end. so the guitars are kind of thin and grindy/gritty/buzzy. kinda sounds like a loose chainsaw or something, hahaha.

lo-fi URL:
hi-fi URL:
the productions sounds really clean but not very powerful. i think if you add a bit more room sound to the drums it would feel a little bigger and perhaps more powerful. the hi-hat seems weirdly placed to me too for some reason. i also prefer a less scooped guitar sound, but they seem good for this style. overall pretty cool sounding though.
the drums sound like crap because its ez-drummer, and i eq'ed them some, and probably fucked 'em all up. i added a touch of reverb to the "pre-master". not sure why though, lulz. probably to make up for the lack of room in the drums, as you mentioned, with this resulting epic failure. eep. i REEELLY wanna get DFHS2 though! that would be awesome. maybe if my paycheck is fatter this month...
the productions sounds really clean but not very powerful. i think if you add a bit more room sound to the drums it would feel a little bigger and perhaps more powerful. the hi-hat seems weirdly placed to me too for some reason. i also prefer a less scooped guitar sound, but they seem good for this style. overall pretty cool sounding though.

+1 Maybe a tad bit more low end.