Bappy Hirthday Emi!

Yeah..can't believe it was a bit of a bloodwar out there..:( I bet Materazzi get punished for that elbowsmacker :rolleyes:

Congrats,Emi!! :) Although first half of the match Milan seemed abit ehm..lost..:Smug: But the second half was a THRILLER!! i could barely watch it anymore..:ill: Inzaghi kicked ass, although his ass got kicked as well :lol:
Oh and the grass they we're playing on sucked big time...:p

Now let's see if Juve will do a miracle tonight shall we :heh:

Have fun..:wave:
Langoustator said:
Italy deserved to win, but it was close. I hope we'll meet you in final.

From the bottom of my heart,I hope France will whoop Scolari's ass back to Portugal...;)
Have fun watching the match tonight...:wave:

ehmm...Langoustator are you a women too?
Langoustator said:
No i'm not. My avatar? Just one of the most evocative painting for me.

It was indeed your avatar which confused me..:)
So we'll meet Sunday,I hope it will be a fair and good match,may the best team win!!..;)

@Signor EMI: Will you just cut the drama about the Euro2000 final :lol: ..that was then and this is now..capisce!!... just enjoy it...:)
Going by the amazing semi-final alone, a Germany-Italy final would have been awesome!! If Terry Henry finds form, yous in trouble Italy, I think! Mind you, I'm an Arsenal supporter so I would say that!
Darkcrawl said:
Going by the amazing semi-final alone, a Germany-Italy final would have been awesome!! If Terry Henry finds form, yous in trouble Italy, I think! Mind you, I'm an Arsenal supporter so I would say that!

I remember you! Your Arsenal won the CL and beat my Juve...and I don't see things really getting any better for us the next season,with all the crap that's going on lately,we'll probbably ending up no where...ugh..:(..but yeah your team won fair and hard feelings ok..:)

:yell: Will you please stop throwing oil on the fire here saying "yous in trouble Italy"... I'm already nervous as hell for tonights match..:ill:

Thanks Langoustator :) it was definitly not a match to be proud of from both sides,sorry...but I agree...Buffon RAWKS!! \m/ :headbang:
Well guys I guess the football is done for this year,so I won't be around for a while..:( ....I only come here reading reviews,I love the bands on Code666,there are still a few I've never heard off,but will definitly check you guys out,that's a promise!! ;)
To the guy who is responsable for the artwork of the new Mechanical Poet album,not sure if you will read this? But I really,really love it,my compliments!!

Padrone EMI,thanks for putting up with me and my blabbering again,it's always fun to come here :p let's hope the punishment won't be to hard for Milan or Juve (..yeah right girl,dream on..:rolleyes: :( ) Just keep your fingers crossed ok..:) Until we meet again..:heh:

Ciao,ci vediamo presto!...:wave:

unhinged said:
....only because you'd never hear the end of it.

I just don't get this one..what do you mean?..The end of what?
well hello again...I'm back..:p

Now I got a little problem and I don't know what to do?..
The thing is,I went to Wacken and I went a few times to the Metalmarket there cause I was looking for the album of Void of Silence "Human Antithesis"
and were everyone agreed how beautiful the music on that album is ( "Dark Static Moments.." gives me goosebumps) it wasn't available I dunno,can I order it here?...I just have to have that album!...Emi or anyone?