

Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
i don't know how it elluded me all these years but i just found out about this movie and it is great?

there are some scenes in there which really hit me kidna hard. the chickens, the homeless, and the garbage pile in india.

the last year or so i've really been big into stuff like this and has changed a lot of my views on life and my own personal values. for instance, i started at first not eating certain meats, then it was cutting down, then it was only from free range farms, now i haven't eaten any meat in like 8 months. just a lot of stuff you find about how fucked up the industrial farming industry is and how gross what you put in your mouth is. i used to think that "yea well what are you gonna eat grass?" but then i learned of so many alternatives (i still eat fish) that it's become quite easy for me now. i'm sure i've got more to learn and other things to do, i consider myself generally conservative on most views never too right wing or extreme but i mean a domino effect of information and ideas steming from that information are really molding me now being only 23 years old. the point is that this movie really kind of puts a lot of emotions and thoughts into some sort of order and artistic content.

there are also other movies just like that one by same or similar producers that i am going to check out next.
Yeah... cause, you know, its ok to eat another animal as long as it doesnt look like it has feelings... fish.


But cows and pigs and chicken... no, thats disgusting and morally wrong.


the point is that this movie really kind of puts a lot of emotions and thoughts into some sort of order and artistic content.

Yeah, a director usually tries their hardest to make you feel what they want you to feel. Thats the sign of any good artist.

On that note: A happy cow is a tasty cow... EAT KOSHER!
sorceron that's what i was talking about. meaning the other movies that are just like that.

audio phile - that movie is pretty neutral in it's viewpoint. the director an producers have said many times that they tried hard not to let push any viewpoints onto the viewer. the overall theme of the movie after seing it a couple of times is basically like the duality of man and the balance between nature and man, nature and god, and man and god (any form of worship not traditional sense). it's upto the viewer to draw their own inferences.

also about fish, i don't have a problem with the issue of people eating animals as it is a natural thing. the fact is that if we have the physical ability to digest and eat them like humans have been doing since their early existence then it's a natural thing to do (like how a lion eats a gazelle or whatever) but my whole thing is it's one thing to carry out your natural fod function but it's another thing to be a part of the horror that is factory farming and the "fancy" foods like veal, foie gras etc. etc.

they don't keep fish in gestration crates and torture them. they at least get to roam the oceans and do what they do before they are caught and killed. also don't call me a hypocrite saying that fish suffer when they die because i am admiting that they do. it sucks that any animal has to die for us to live but it is the way of the world. i've been doing research, and just reading a lot, both sides of the fence about this and related issues. most research, professional opinion, and scientific data points that a meditteranean diet is the healthiest diet available. it excludes and meat (land animals) for the most part. i eat (carefully selected) organic eggs and milk also due to the fact that there are certain nutrients that your body needs to grow and maintain itself and stay healthy that are only found in these foods that cannot be substituted fully by like soy products and whatnot. therefore i am not a vegan, because it is EXTREMELY unhealthy and healthy to be a vegan. the mere fact that fish, eggs, and milk are not excluded from thier diet is the reason that they as a group have such a huge and high rate of mortality. check up on it, they literally have a high rate of sickness, mortality.

i will end my ranting just by saying that, i am not 100% sure of this but it's an idea i have that i think kind of makes sense but it's not firm enough for me to adapt as a belief, just a thought that i am entertaining that maybe it is in the intrest of the net phase of evolution of manking that we stop relying on other living beings for our nutrtion. just like in star trek, when commander riker says "We know longer enslave animals for food purposes..." listen don't critique me on this it is a utopian view on things but it could be something that is true or it cannot.
I worked at a Vegtable processing plant for six summers & trust me, it's asx equally gross as the meat packing industry. You don't want to know what winds up in the "French Style" green beans or what's the "secret" ingredient in you can of peas. Ugh. Peas are the worst.

Aramism - Thats is why I edited... if the whole torture aspect of eating meat bothers you more than eating meat in general... eat kosher products... not only do the animals not suffer... they arent treated as food while they are alive.

Oz - That worries me... care to divulge that info?
i don't think that kosher products neccesarily mean they are treated better. i think that it is more centered around a painless death. and more selective meat as far as healthy animals for food, so if they are sick the yput them down or use them for other byproducts.