Barbaric black metal

Lord Kur

Feb 24, 2008
i guess i'm looking for raw warlike black metal with a viking feel. stuff like hail, ceremonial castings?
Fuck you, I was gonna recommend Hail...

Definitely check out Fluisterwoud, Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, Ibex Throne, Revenge, Blasphemy...
i'm gonna check all those bands out. revenge has like 12 listings on m-a, which one? also i'm sure there's a lot of blasphemys. the rest i can figure out

edit: you must mean the canadian blasphemy
anything on the less warlike and more viking/majestic style bands?

so far i'm liking ibex throne and fluisterwoud the best
Ancient Rites

Their newer stuff for a more viking feel. Their older material is more straight black metal.

But their newer stuff kind of lacks the whole barbarism thing too, I guess.
ancient rites is actually a good rec, along the lines of what i want. they could use a little more barbaricness, though. i want hunks of raw meat swinging from the singer's teeth.

rubicon is pretty close, though
i want hunks of raw meat swinging from the singer's teeth.

It would be pretty fucking awesome if there was a genre of music known as Barbarian Black Metal where in order to be part of the genre you need to play BM, be barbaric, and have a piece of meat hanging out of your mouth. Bands with cooked meat would be considered untr00, of course.