BARfest canceled


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
The organizer of the Bay Area Rock Fest (a.k.a. BARfest), the progressive rock and metal festival that was held for the first time on May 4-5, 2007 at The Independent in San Francisco, California, has decided against staging a 2009 installment of what was supposed to be an annual event. David Hatchell of Bay Area Rock Promotions said in a statement, "This has been a difficult decision to make, and one that has taken a lot of time on my end."

He continued, "As many of you know, this started out a few years ago with Eric Boles and myself coming up with this idea, and bringing Bear on shortly after as a substantial part of this festival. During this time, I have not been working as much at my day job, and have been laid off twice during this time. This has given me the time to grow this festival into something that was beyond my wildest dreams from a musical standpoint. However, from a financial viewpoint, it has not been a success. I did not care about this the first year, because I was living my dream. However, with my continued unemployment, and the economic uncertainty surrounding this year, it does not make sense to have a premium-priced festival in the most expensive area in the U.S. to stage shows. Another factor that was crucial in my decision was the desire to create something unique. I have always believed that the only reason to do a festival is to do something that is artistically significant. I feel I achieved this in the previous years. The lineup options that were available to me at the time were too similar to other festivals or not of significant drawing power in the Bay Area to make this worthwhile.

"I don't want to make this entirely about money, and give the same old excuse that you hear from everybody in the U.S. about the economy, and from everybody in the music business about the difficulties of the music industry. I have overcome many obstacles in my life, and I always believe that willpower and desire can overcome any roadblocks. Over the past few years, I have had the energy and desire to put this at the top of my list. However, this year, I need to put my energy into re-establishing my career and more importantly welcoming a new addition to my family — my wife and I are expecting our first child this summer. After consulting with the rest of my team, and the similar challenges we are going through this year, we have decided to collectively put this to rest for this spring.

"I, hopefully, will still be involved in promoting some shows this year under the Bay Area Rock Promotions this year.

"I want to thank all of the fans and bands for all their support in the past and interest for this year. We will return bigger and better in the future!!"


Sorry to hear it Dave. Good luck in the future.
Sucks to lose anything like this. Its tough to be a promoter these days. I know on the last SX tour that came through my area, it probably killed the promoter. They normally draw a full house at my local venue (Id venture about 1000, since they only use half the venue for most shows)..... but they moved the show to an upstairs stage. That stage maxes out at 200 head.... and it was not at capacity. I could not go, for economic reasons... and I LOVE SX.
While this is not one I could attend (as I really can only attend one from a financial perspective), it certainly was one I would have liked to.

I appreciate all that is done by all involved, anywhere, whether I can personally attend a festival/show, or not.

Good luck! ..... enjoy your son/daughter......and with a little luck we'll see you resurrecting this festival in the near future.
Thanks for posting that Harv...

I think that this year it is a perfect time to take a break and collectively recharge and plan ahead for future Bay Area Rock Fest. If people really knew how much more expensive it is to do a festival and a successful festival at that out here in the San Francisco Bay Area you would probably have a heart attack at all the logistics and costs that are involved. That still does not mean that there may not be a few one off shows here and there, just the main Fest is on hold for now. I wish Dave and his wonderful wife a very healthy and beautiful baby.

It is a real tragedy as it was the only hope for some of us who like bands from Asia and Latin America. Sadly, the writing was on the wall a few weeks ago. Thank you, Dave. My best to you and yours in the future. :worship:
Man, I completely understand as I'm shortly going to be laid off and completely understand the economic situation you are in. I was really hoping to start a small yearly festival bringing over some of the better melodic rock bands, ie Gotthard, Pink Cream 69, The Poodles, etc., but with the way the economy currently is, there is no way anyone has a good shot at making a lot of these worthwhile. That's why I'm sticking with just backing Glenn with ProgPower and that will be my only festival this year. Let's all hope things turn around shortly. Go USA.
:erk:Sorry to hear about this, guys. I actually wanted to make a trip out west for one of these. Here's to a brighter future, and hopefully only a one year absence.
:erk:Sorry to hear about this, guys. I actually wanted to make a trip out west for one of these. Here's to a brighter future, and hopefully only a one year absence.
Agreed. Really wanted to try to make it this year. Sad news indeed. Hopefully, back in the future.
Maybe "suspended" would have been a better choice for 'em than "cancelled," if they might re-start it in the future....
With all the economic uncertainty today, there's certainly no shame in suspending an annual event for one year, or even longer.
I'm really sorry to hear this, as I've never visited SF and was hoping to attend this year. Best wishes for a kick ass 2010 festival! :headbang: