bass amp 115 vs 210

i posted this on metal-archives a few months ago. it may help.

it depends on a couple things. what head you choose and what kind of sound youre looking for. through my bass playing career ive played through 10s, 12s, and 15s. i am really partial to the GK 2x12 cab i have. you have a couple things to consider with cabs

speaker material:
ceramic, neo, aluminum?
the neo speakers in my cab are clean and articulate. however, they dont have that slight distortion a ceramic speaker would have. that is one thing to consider. ceramic speakers have that classic sound that everyone seems to want (somthing ive never understood. why do you want to sound like everyone else?). aluminum cone speakers have a brighter sound. ive only played a few cabs with those, so i dont know much about em.

speaker size:
10 inch speakers are going to give lots of punch and clear mids. 15 inch speakers will give you that low end rumble and can be a little bit smoother/muddy depending on how you eq your amp. 12 inch speakers are kind of in the middle. my cab has a very warm and smooth tone but still maintaining articulation.

you also may come across a ported cab. i dont really understand the science of it. but its an option

common cab configurations are 4x10, 8x10, 2x15. and lately there have been more 2x12 and 4x12 cabs coming out.

once again, find a store with a good selection and play through em all. your salesman may not like it, but make him hook up different amps to different cabs. dont just say "well this is what they have set up, so i'll just try those".

what are you using the amp for? practice, small venues, garage band...

i'll be happy to answer any other questions you might have
Thanks that helped, I'm buying it for play for my churches youth band that I'm in, but I also really have the desire to play in a death metal band since that is my preffered style of music.
I'm looking at this setup currently:
I wanted something that can be upgraded, so wasn't leaning towards the combos.
The current bass amp used is a fender 100 watt( my friends) I normally keep it at 3/5 of its max volume.
Would the setup be to loud compared to what I'm using now?
i'm a big GK fan. and their backline series is great for a inexspensive rig. and that setup is pretty standard for the rock world. i say go for it!

that head will be louder. its a 300w amp, so youre going to get alot more power than the fender.

i personally have the GK 1001RB-II head with the NEO 2x12 cab. sounds great! and the guys at GK are great. they let me visit them at the factory to test stuff, including the 550 head which wasnt out at the time. had a great time. i tested the 1001RB head through all the different cabs there, to get the perfect sound. the one thing i hate about music shops is they dont have all the options. ive never seen a 2x12 at a store, and i had the hardest time getting guitar center to even order one!