Bass causes clipping overload!


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
I've been using the method of splitting my bass DI track into a lo pass and a highpass, but whatever I do I can't achieve a decent RMS for the master track without some occasional clipping because of the bass. I thought of automating but I couldn't find a level which didn't sound obviously dipped. Any suggestions?

And by decent RMS I mean -10dB.
Are you compressing (and/or limiting) the lows? You'll probably have to EQ the lows of the bass as well or there will be horrible build-ups in the low end along with the kick.
seriously, hp some of that deep low. That build up is mostly rumble you won't hear that just eats up headroom and kills your limiter.
Bass is surely one of the hardest thing to get right and how to do on it depends first of all on the player/instrument really, however the first thing is that the bass (and bass in general) has to be really tight!
Try to compress or limit hard (if needed) the track and then apply some eq if you need to recover some frequency.
Before compressing cut the offending frequencies (if there are). Cutting/Attenuating the low end under 30/35hz can often really help!