Bass EQ - crossover point question...


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Hey guys.

Quick question. All along I have been doing the standard one bass track (Ampeg SVX) deal going into my mixes.

However, im craving some different style tones in regards to the distorted top end, but the clean well compressed bottom.

If I have two identical bass tracks, and I add distortion to the high end on one, whats a good place to roll off the bass?! As well, on my clean track, should I also roll off the high end as well? My tweaks have gotten me off to an ok start, but Im still somewhat strugglign to find a good balance in terms of the best approach to roll out these frequencies.

Bass mixing is something I certainly have issues with!
I don´t know how to answer your question.

i know you can achieve a decent high end distortion bass sound with fat low end by using an sans amp bass driver DI.

there´s free clone plugins like the tse BOD that kick ass.

the sans amp is not so expensive though either you should try it out at an musicshop.

hope i could help a bit
I usually hi/lo pass each track at 200Hz. Limit the crap out of the lo-passed track so that the level doesn't move and you have a solid, steady low end. As far as rolling off the top, I wouldn't. You may need to EQ it a bit depending on the amount of dirt you add but I wouldn't necessarily lo-pass it if that's what you were asking.
Scott Horner said:
I usually hi/lo pass each track at 200Hz. Limit the crap out of the lo-passed track so that the level doesn't move and you have a solid, steady low end. As far as rolling off the top, I wouldn't. You may need to EQ it a bit depending on the amount of dirt you add but I wouldn't necessarily lo-pass it if that's what you were asking.

Sorry to off topic slightly, but is there a big difference between compressing the lo passed track only compared to having both sent to a bus and then compressed that way?
Sorry to off topic slightly, but is there a big difference between compressing the lo passed track only compared to having both sent to a bus and then compressed that way?

If they're both sent to a bus with a compressor, each individual fader movement will affect the compressor. If each track is compressed individually you can change one without affecting the other.
If I have two identical bass tracks, and I add distortion to the high end on one, whats a good place to roll off the bass?!
As said above 200 Hz should be a good starting point. However, in practice, I often find myself "leaving a hole" in there, i.e. highpassing the dirty track sometimes as high as 300-400 Hz and lowpassing the clean track as low as 120-150 Hz. This is because many basses and/or cabs tend to resonate around 200 Hz, and therefore I often need to cut this area drastically so that the mix doesn't get drowned in mud when I turn up the bass... Am I the only one doing this btw ?

Sorry to off topic slightly, but is there a big difference between compressing the lo passed track only compared to having both sent to a bus and then compressed that way?
Yes there is, at least if you're slamming your lows to hell and back to get this "no movement in bass" sound. Doing this to the whole bass bus would probably kill the attack of the notes and render your bass lifeless. In addition, your distorted track probably has much less dynamics and doesn't need that much compression, if any (that is, if you took the time to EQ out any unwanted resonances).