Bass Gear from MH,LOG,KSE and more, anyone knows?


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hey dudes! Bass player from my band has taken the great decission of changing his gear, from a Hartke Stack to Ampeg, but in the band we search for a bass sound like the bands mentioned in the title, so any of you know something about the gear Adam Duce, John Campbell....uses??? I dont need the exact model, just the brand would be fine! Thanks a lot
campbell uses peavy millennium basses through a mesa bass 400+ head and a mesa 8x10 roadready cab. (as of the killadelphia show in 04, but I'd assume he's still using the same gear - his tone sounds relatively the same).

mike d from kse uses his signature ibanez basses, through a mesa big block 750 and various mesa roadready cabs.

duce uses zon basses, through I believe a sansamp psa-1 and ampeg svt-cl, going into various ampeg cabs (prob 8x10s)
If you know what you want tonewise you can get about 80% of what you want from your fingers/bass/pedals before even touching an amp/cab.

I personally only need enough volume.. allthough a nice amp and cab helps :)