Bass gear?

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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My nephew is looking for a decent bass and amp. He has around $1000 dollars to spend. Any recomendations?
Has anyone tried any of the bass modelers out there, like the Behringer V-amp thing...or the Boss Gt-6b? Are they any good?
Dunno what level he's playing at, but for a beginner it's very hard to go wrong with the musician's friend rogue bass... they sell the things for about 140 bucks and I picked up one and it's got a neck that must be set with concrete, because you can't beat it out of tune. It plays good and sounds pretty good, nothing like a nice active pickup bass, but it still gets the job done.

I got the Behringer Bass V-Amp a few weeks ago, because I have the guitar vamp and love it to death. The Bass version is great. It lets me fake a good Queensryche Empire era bass tone, so I'm happy. I haven't played through any real bass amps seriously enough to give an opinion on them.
It has been years since I've been in a guitar store to look around. I'm afraid I'll purchase something new and then get my head ripped off when I get home:grin:

I like looking through a sight :

They seem to have a good selection of equipment. From beginners to big time money.

I guess my only thoughts are how old is your nephew? Can he handle the neck size of a Fender Precision or would a thinner neck of a Fender jazz feel better for him?

Of coarse the question of 4 strings or 5,6:loco:

Amp, I practised via a radio my brother would let me use, I would plug in the headphones so no one would hear the noise I was making:grin:.
Once it was time to buy a system, my style was developed and knew the sound I was looking for.

Good luck
constantine :rock: