Bass Guitar Top String Clank

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey guys, quick question. I've been recording with a 5 string Fender Jazz lately with a Sansamp RBI. Obviously awesome clanky tones come from it, but the low string (lowest tuned) always just sounds dull and muddy. The rest of the strings grind in all of the best ways. We've tried different gauges, pro steels, circle K 166's etc but have had no luck. Is this just a tension issue? Stock pup issue?

Thank you in advance for any replies!
It's tough to get the B string to match up. The longer the scale length the better the B string however there are some things that you can do to help mitigate the differences. Firstly, I hate tapered strings b/c of the intonation issues they cause however they do retain a bit more high end. I'd give pro steels with a tapered B a try. Secondly, Lighter gauges sound better but play worse. If you can find a balance that gets you close without making it a nightmare go with that. Finally, try lowering the pups a bit on the bass side. All of that steel close to the pups is going to cause a lot more low end build up on the B side than the G side exacerbating the string tone issues.
Stock pups are def not going to help with extended scale. I have a Fender MIM Jazz and the stock pups were shit. I put Duncan 1/4 pounders and it added a better low end. I also think there is a perceived loudness to certain ranges, so I always try to listen to the sound raw, and then through something with some ballbark comp/eq. I have an ESP 4-string that is 35" and a Fender Jazz 34" and the scale difference doesn't really feel as impactful on tone as playability on the neck. It feels like the wood and pickups are the most dominating on defining tone (although there is better tension on the 35" but it's not drastic)

Edit: it fucking KILLS MY SOUL when the LOWEST note/string is called the top lmfao
I have an ESP 4-string that is 35" and a Fender Jazz 34" and the scale difference doesn't really feel as impactful on tone as playability on the neck.
My experience has been opposite (obviously YMMV). I don't notice the extra length but I do notice improved clarity (and tension) on the lower strings. Neck thickness and radius are much bigger issues for me in terms of playability than length.
Maybe it has to do with the bass or the picking/fingering style of the player.
5-string Ibanez Basses with Sansamp is my favourite sound.Bartolini pickups really work for that.
I tracked bass recently with really thick strings and the tone was just not clanky like i was hoping. I've tracked bass again with stock strings tuned way down, and hot damn theres the clank. Try some thinner strings!
Try ultex picks (much more of a clicking sound on the front end of the note rather than scratchy tortex, or smooth nylon)

+ pick closer to the bridge.