Bass man...


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2005
This is a question for anyone, does anyone know what kind of bass Troy plays on? Also, check out the slap work at the end of Elysium Dream. Nioce!
hey man its troy here...yah, currently i play on a peavy foundation 2000 series, but I'm waiting on a Ibenez SG1005 5 string...i have to say though...i got nothing but props for the took just about two years of heavy abuse and never let me down...i also agree with you on the bass playing on elysium dream and the whole dead or dreaming album...scott is a wicked bass player and some of his parts are amazing...i think the best song on dead or dreaming for bass is distant pale future...but yah take care and thanks for the support!

since this is a bass thread, I was wondering if you guys would know anything about the now defunct Jap instrument/amp company called Vorg?

I have an old 300watt bass head from that company and apparently the guys from The Beatles used to use these amps and something about the company becoming defunct in the early 80's/late 70's..... that's all I know, if anyone could give me more info on this brand?
While on the subject of bass playing, where can I find some good bass tabs for IE songs? I'd love to learn Shallow, Dead or Dreaming or any IE songs for that matter!
coolsnow7 said:
Learn the guitar part and play the root for the most part.
Fair enough, but there are a lot of bass parts that don't seem related to the guitar part at all, like check out the 'interludes' so to speak on Dead or Dreaming, and Shallow, thats the kinda stuff I wanna learn.
in response to the "find the guitar parts and play the root"...there is so much more goin on there...scott creates really imaginative bass lines that would go more into a classical progression than a root-followin-metal bassist. Steve DiGorgio is another example of imaginative out of the box bass player...i'd suggest going back and listening to the whole DOD album and focus on the bass playing...its impressive from beginning to end...or beginning of the end..ha!
