
Aight so here are all my latest thoughts on playing bass:

I'm going to start playing with my fingers again now that my cut has healed up. The scar tissue is still a bit stiff but my middle finger has all the necessary range of motion, and I just need to focus on developing strength with it again (three weeks without playing with my fingers = blargh).

I traded in my line6 LD175 for a 410 cab so everyone could hear me at practice. I just use the GK Goldline 500 I use for shows, since leaving it at home doesn't accomplish much. Still planning on using my 810 for gigs though.

I really want to replace my bridge pickup with a matching Lace Alumitone Bass bar, the stock pickup sounds great at practice but gets really fuzzy at stage volume. But I have to get a new car first so transportation can become less of an issue.
Notice you said you played on a GK, was thinking about picking one up this weekend for playing out, tested one out and i absolutely loved it. How do you feel about yours.
I didn´t know those pick ups. can you make some kind of description of the tone? or gave me any links where I can listen to them?

Transparent, round, versatile, high-quality passive. The one I have in the neck position reminds me of a clearer split-coil sound. I've yet to put one in the bridge, but I intend to next year. It was actually kind of a crap shoot buying them, which is why I only bought one - I wasn't sure about how it would sound. Very satisfying though. Sounds good at high volume too.

Notice you said you played on a GK, was thinking about picking one up this weekend for playing out, tested one out and i absolutely loved it. How do you feel about yours.

Don't even think about getting anything but the RB series in terms of GK heads. They are powerful and clean. But the Backline and Goldline series can't stand up to the stress of playing live. My Goldline 500 is already having serious problems and I've only had it for a little over a year.

The cabs are all great though, in my opinion. The greatest advantage of the Neo line is the light weight. It's like lifting air, man. They're great. Love the sound of my 810GLX though, and plan on keeping it until it's not worth repairing anymore.
Bassists!!!! My first post on this forum here and i figured it'd be on the bass thread! I've been playing bass for the past 3 years now..i've got a Fender Precision bass *4 strings*..brilliant bass for learning but it's about time i buy a new one! hey why is that no one here recommends ESP for basses? :/
Bassists!!!! My first post on this forum here and i figured it'd be on the bass thread! I've been playing bass for the past 3 years now..i've got a Fender Precision bass *4 strings*..brilliant bass for learning but it's about time i buy a new one! hey why is that no one here recommends ESP for basses? :/

I recommend them. Just make sure you don't get the one's that are less than $500.
Heyy. I just wanna be able to play the galloping rythm, like Maiden, as fast as Run to the Hills or The Trooper. It's probably mainly just practice, but are they any techniques I should use? I've been playing for about 3 months and I use my fingers
I actually started learning bass a week ago. All I've got is the major scale, and bits and pieces of songs; intro to YYZ, intro and verse to Crazy Train, and some other stuff...

Does anyone know any good beginner excersizes to do? And yes, I do have a metronome.
I play bass.

Exercises - there are tons on youtube - also some on Stew McKinseys site - and some on my fretless site - OH - and to be completely overwhelmed - check out Go to the forum. More there than anywhere else on the web.

They are out there - just do a google search on bass guitar - you should find tons.

Good thread - good to see us loweneders getting some love.
I like this idea. I play a Spector Legend 5 Custom... still looking for an amp though. Thinking about a Mark Bass... not positive what model yet. Any suggestions?
Those Little Marks sound great... not sure how good they are for metal though. For high volume music, I'd recommend some of the higher powered Gallien Kruegers, Ampegs, and Mesa Boogies we're all so familiar with. They're no secret and they work well. I think Mark Bass is made with quieter styles like Jazz and R&B in mind.
Yea, i've been trying out some Ampeg SVT models too.... it's between an ampeg and a mark bass..... i think you are right about the mark bass amps though... maybe not the best choice for metal. one of my friends plays in a death metal band and he has a mark 15" and 4/10 cab and the little mark II head. It works for him... but he is also one of the most amazing bass players i have heard. Thanks for the insight. I will let you know what i decide once i scrounge up enough money

Hey, I'm also a bass player,
I've been playing for a few year,
I been looking for a thread for bass players, to talk about bass.
I need a new bass, so I'm just practicing my fretting and slap
on a old bass, LOL.I still love it a lot thought. I like to play other instruments but still need to afford them LOL. Anyways I'll keep checking this site out. :Smokin:
My handle describes me well.

I started in jan. Ebayed like mad to get my gear, starting with an Ibanez GSR200FM & a Fender 25w amp. My teacher is excellent; all I learned reading music in school comes back to me like a flood so mostly we work on tech, coordination bigtime..and where all them notes are. Already had hints of popular tunes like Stairway or Smoke on the Water, but I'm not learning whole tunes yet. We go step by step, takin it slow to master everything.

I've already got my wishlist, my next may be a wick or just stick with Ibanez and get a SR750. Dunno yet. I'd have to save up for a few years to get a wick...

Best thing I've done for myself in a long time, pick up something and start playin again.

Oh yeah..I'm also on :p
I'm a bassist, have played bass for 'bout 4 years. Play mostly 80's trash metal, like Metallica, Megadeth, Testament etc. But I also play newer shit. I have a Spector bass (dunno what model) and is quite satisfied with it.