Hi everybody. I'm a new one. Also a bassist.
I always use four string bass, and now using an ESP Grassroot bass and a Tanglewood Reabel.And trying a Peavey Millenium. Dreaming for a Spector LX
My favorite bassists in metal are Steve DiGiorgio, Alex Webster, Les Claypool...How about yours?
Can we discuss about finger style in metal and share experience to play better ?
My most recent opinion on finger style is that it works best with slow tempos and quieter parts. By quieter I mean parts that aren't based around a wall of sound, not necessarily clean/acoustic parts.

I tried the whole 3-finger thing and the more I mastered it the less satisfied I became with it. My playing in that style would sound great by myself, but in a band setting, only the first note or two in a series of tremolo picked notes would cut through the mix.

After all my recent upgrades I favor a pick for most of my band's stuff.