Bass reamp shootout!


Jan 21, 2010
Sup guys!

Did a little reamp test to see what I'm going to do when it comes time to reamp bass on my band's album.
Using a Sansamp RBI > SVT Pro 4 > Ampeg 8x10 > sm57

Treble and bass are rolled off a little, mids/high mids are boosted a little.
Same settings, different mic placement! Let me know what you think/needs improvement! :)

A:'s/Bass Reamp Test/A.wav
B:'s/Bass Reamp Test/B.wav
C:'s/Bass Reamp Test/C.wav
Thanks! I was going to wait for a few more replies before I tell which has what mic placement haha
^ the funny thing is that all that clanck it´s probably not enough to cut into the wall of gain in the guitars. Bass needs a lot of eq and tricky shit to become audible and with enough clarity in a mix.
Alright, A is about 2-3 inches or so left of the cap, B is dead center, and C is off axis to the right!
All of them are about 3 inches away from the grill.

A sounds like it would sit best IMO. Are you planning to put a DI under the reamp?
I personally enjoyed A as well for the settings I used =D
B was too harsh and C was too dull haha

I plan on using the track reamped through my cab as a "grit" track, the DI to handle low end, and a couple tracks ran through distortion pedals to blend in!