Bass sound issues


Aug 2, 2011
I've been struggling to get a decent bass sound using amp sims, i tried lot of them, and everything still sounds quite bad. can someone give me some go tos amp sims or preset? maybe it my source which is bad?

Here is a DI of the bass (musicman sterling) with new strings into a country man type 85.

need your thoughts!
nope, reaper. tried using TSE bod. i am looking for a dark bass sound (nightwish style or other gothic stuff)
nope, reaper. tried using TSE bod. i am looking for a dark bass sound (nightwish style or other gothic stuff)
First of all Cabimpulses for the cabs. The inbuilt cabs are never good enough on ampsims. Make a copy of the DI and use guitar ampsim for the distortion or just some overdrive pedal e.g TSE 808 vst. Cut everything below 500-800 hz. On the other channel either keep it DI or use clean bass amp sim and compress it hard.
If I had to pick 1 free bass plugin it'd be TSE BOD v2.0
That or download a free demo of Waves CLA Bass.
What's worked for me in the past is doing the usual "split the bass into two tracks method" - 1 low bass that just the DI squashed to hell and EQ'd, and then a grit track that's run through BOD. I put an ampsim on the bus track, followed by the cab sim - Ignite's SHB-1 works really well with either ReCabinet, or the free SVT impulses that've been floating around through KeFir. I'll do some additional compression on the bus track as well just to even out the sound, and move the grit track volume level around depending on how bright or dark I want the track to sound.
IK Multimedia Amplitube 3 Custom shop. The basic (free) install has an Ampeg and it sounds great. The trick is to work the mic placement in the cab section
That or download a free demo of Waves CLA Bass.

I was surprised to see how good it is when I demo'ed it but if you look into the diagrams of the plugin on their site, you'll see you can get there with other plugins you may already own ;) I prefer my way actually:

Behringer BDI (Sansamp BDDI clone for 20-25€) -> FMR PBC 6a or '76 or La2 Maybe some limiting -> Pultec -> SSL channel -> fuzz-overdrive (anyone will work). Maybe some pitch fx-chorus.

Low end for days. I don't even split into lows-DI/mids-dist anymore and rarely use maxbass or similar sub-bass fx.