Bass Tone for something I'm working on (Help me)


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Mix: folder/Mix-20 003 My Pain.mp3

Bass only: folder/Mix-20 003 My Pain(bass only).mp3

Any advice? I seem to be having an issue with mixing bass, especially in this project. It is already a nightmare because these guys have samples (one of which I have too goddamn loud in the middle of this, as I just noticed). I can hear the bass with my monitors and it sounds ok, but when I start referencing on other stuff...namely, in my's not as beefy as it seemed before. Sounds ok in headphones, but my isolation headphones seems to be lacking the girth in the bass that I am expecting. I've slid things around but can't seem to find it. Maybe someone else can pick it right out, and I can pay attention to this as a problematic area with my current setup.

I'm open to input on the mix too, but it's not really done.