Bass tone

Sounds pretty good, dude! I'd give the bass a little more top end clang/grind. If you have a multiband comp, target some GR on the low band, and it should brighten up a bit.

Really digging the production! Sick!
Thanks man, yeah I have a bright track running through a sansamp distortion (lots of click and grind) I was thinking of bringing it up! Thanks for the input
Dude! I've been trying to get something really close to that snare sound! it's so punchy and crisp. Could you say what samples/prepossessing you used? anything helps.

As for the bass, I'd be nice to have a couple extra db but from hat I hear it sounds good. I think it could benefit from some top end to make it shine on top of the kick because the bulk of the bass is unified with the kick. You could also try adding some bass cab impulses after the RBI and a guitar cab on the top end grind track (I seem to like recto style distortion with a very meticulously placed low pass filter). Really liked were the tracked was headed!
Dude! I've been trying to get something really close to that snare sound! it's so punchy and crisp. Could you say what samples/prepossessing you used? anything helps.
Sounds like FOP Snare without much post processing. It sounds extremely unrealistic on fast snare rolls so i would suggest to blend it with another more realistic sounding multi hit snare.
Hey people. I welcome constructive criticism on this work in progress (mainly bass guitar).

Ibanez RG w/ EMG active - Sansamp RBI - Digidesign 003 - PT - Standard PT10 Compressor (-2dB GR) - Standard PT10 EQ - Magic - AUX - Magic

Fucking sick T, Productions sounding really good man, bass sounds killer, but for my taste i'd add a little more grind, but that tone should sit pretty well with guitars, i'm starting to get into making pod bass tones for bands now and definitely better than just running texas grind with it's own distortions.Love it man, i wanna hear it with guitars.

as far as production, what are you using for your reverse hit and ambience in the intro?
Thanks guys, it would seem the general advice is to bring up the grind - I will work on this!

Dude! I've been trying to get something really close to that snare sound! it's so punchy and crisp. Could you say what samples/prepossessing you used? anything helps.

It is mainly snare 22 SSD. The snare room mic is sent to the same OP (this is critical), I use the a compressor to bring up the snare tail using a slower attack and release. Use a ratio of say 2:1 as you don't want to squash anything, just use the make-up gain to 'boost' the snare tail. I send it to a VCA group and overdrive the shit out of it. Snare also has EQ and 'ducks' the kick track by 0.5 - 1dB. FOP is mixed in at -28dB (This is routed to the same over-driven VCA group to slow the insane transient of FOP). I know it is not a realistic snare sound, but I'm not too worried by this - as size and perception is more important than realism for this particular production, well that's my theory anyway lol. Let me know if you need more info dude, hope this helps

Thanks for the input peoples, I'm looking forward to tracking guitars for this