Bass tones (Sansamp)


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Just trying a few things with my Sansamp and would appreciate your opinion on these 3 tones. Almost the same settings but different pickup choices for each. Trying to get a good amount of definition without having problems with the amount of low mids I usually have.

Excuse the playing, I played some random low B notes at the end because those are usually the ones I find lack definition. I have a feeling my bass dosen't like the "drive" knob...

Thanks! :kickass:
Just trying a few things with my Sansamp and would appreciate your opinion on these 3 tones. Almost the same settings but different pickup choices for each. Trying to get a good amount of definition without having problems with the amount of low mids I usually have.

Excuse the playing, I played some random low B notes at the end because those are usually the ones I find lack definition. I have a feeling my bass dosen't like the "drive" knob...

Thanks! :kickass:

what's sansamp used you?
sorry for english
Can you fill us in some more on the signal chain?

Spector Q5 - Sansamp BDDI - Cubase :)

I just use the Sansamp alone for guide tracks, normally its a blend of a few things for finals, but I wanted to have a bit of a tweak of the controls along with pickup settings too check out some possible new tones.
Basically im sure #4 was just...all pickups/tones on full and the gain on the Sansamp around 9:30/10'o clock. If I give the gain the beans, the low mids just get totally out of control. Ive seen loads of people drive the gain but I guess my bass reacts differently. #4's decent, id probs have to put more mids in there but its pretty clear so it would be a good section inside an overall bass tone!

Appreciate all the comments! \m/