Bassamps and cab

Dawn Patrol

Feb 3, 2005
I'm planning to get a bass amp and cab for recording. Been searching on the forum a bit but still need advice.

What do you think of the following? Does anyone have any experience recordning these, any tips would be helpful.

EBS Fafner II extreme edition 750W
Mesa boogie M6 carbine
Mesa boogie Big block
Ampeg svt cl

EBS Proline 2x10 or Neoline
Ampeg svt-210AV
Ampeg PN-210HLF
Mesa Boogie powerhouse
SWR goliath junior IV

Or do you have any other suggestions? Any tips och tricks recording bass would be awesome.
Really like the Mesa Boogie bass amps, but you can't go wrong with an SVT off course. Cabwise I would go for at least a 4X10. Ampeg cabs are my favourite from the different cabs I've tried.
Going with an Ampeg or almost any other clean bassheads (without dist, which most of them don't have) you could easily just go with a guitarhead and get a really nice clean tone, heck guitarheads works great with bass guitar when you want a distorted bass to, just get a basscab so you don't blow up your guitar speakers
Is it a big different between 2x10, 4x10 and 8x10?

I usually also record DI but thought this time I would kick it up a notch and invest in a real bassamp. Is it worth it?

Can you reamp bass just like guitars?